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Quincy the 26yo horse with ems, was doing really well living out 24/7 with unsoaked hay. But a week ago he started getting pulses and foot sore, so brought him in to a dirt patch with no grass and soaked hay, spoke to vet she said let's re take the ems test in a month, I thought about pts then as having no grass is miserable but he seemed quite happy, and I thought maybe just a change of routine out in the day in at night soaked hay 24/7 would do the job. But then he escaped into the field while I was out riding and ate some unsoaked dry hay, which as he has a dust allergy this set it of, he normally just coughs for a bit and then it goes in 24hrs after having soaked hay. This time he started breathing really heavily, weezing. Got the vet out last night nearly Pts then but decided to give him streiods even with the risk of the laminitis I wanted to know I'd given him a chance. This morning he isn't laminitic at all yet, I have steroid pills to give him for the next few days but I'm so frightened I'm going to come up and he will be laminitic and I don't want that for him but also if this helps and he doesn't get laminitis he could be fine. Breathing already getting better. I just want some advice to see what other people would do? I've never had to make this choice the other two I lost not long about a year ago the choice was out of my hands as they had grass sickness. Thanks