Not trying that again for a while!


Well-Known Member
20 March 2009
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Thought it would be a lovely idea to pick my son up from school on his pony, he was mad keen on it. So off we go, I lead pony from my horse there - this is standard so no issues.

Once we got to school the trouble started! I annoyed the school admin lady by using the main gate that is only for cars! Not children. Then I totally misjudged the timeings and how much my son can do. So the2/3 miles home that I thought would take 1/2 hr took longer which ment we needed to trot a lot! He then complained his bottom hurt! My horse (the dodgy leged one I am trying to send back) fell nearly on her face. Got home threw horses in field tack in stable and jumped in the car.

We were 20 mins late getting back to school to pick daughter up, bad mummy day at school!

Seemed like such a lovely thing but was anything from it!!


Well-Known Member
3 February 2016
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Oh my goodness! That sounds hilarious. ;-)
I have often thought about doing this for my daughter. She would love it.

However, pony is a total cow & she'd likely be swamped by small children. She barely puts up with my daughter trying to fuss her. She's likely poo everywhere and upset the yummy mummy's who wouldn't want to go near it in their Jimmy choo's! Reverse into a posh car, try to bite a dog, fart in a kids face etc,etc.

So I haven't been brave enough to try it yet! These ideas always seem good at the time!! ;-)


Well-Known Member
12 February 2012
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Hahahaha sorry that is hillarious though! you may not be laughing now but you will be in years to come and it could of bin worse, at least you didn't trample on any children or leaving steaming piles of poop for the grumpy admin to step in (more's the pitty lol)


Well-Known Member
19 April 2009
Kent South East England
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Oh my goodness! That sounds hilarious. ;-)
I have often thought about doing this for my daughter. She would love it.

However, pony is a total cow & she'd likely be swamped by small children. She barely puts up with my daughter trying to fuss her. She's likely poo everywhere and upset the yummy mummy's who wouldn't want to go near it in their Jimmy choo's! Reverse into a posh car, try to bite a dog, fart in a kids face etc,etc.

So I haven't been brave enough to try it yet! These ideas always seem good at the time!! ;-)

This really made me laugh just the thought of it. You were brave to even try it, I made the mistake once of coming back past the village school at the wrong time and my girl was not impressed by all the sqeeling children who also wanted to paw her !!