Novice rider and age of horse


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11 June 2021
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Hi all,

I’ve seen the most loveliest Irish cob for sale, brilliant in the school and out hacking. A real sweety and confidence giver for someone like me, a first time owner, an adult novice just learning to pop small cross poles. However, this pony is only 5 years old. I’ve heard that all horses go through a teenage phase at around this age, and their personality can suddenly change to something completely opposite. I am just wondering how true this is for a cob? If I was to have lessons on her weekly, and/or even keep her on working livery for other novice riders to keep her schooling up, could this work out?
Thanks x


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8 August 2014
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I think you can’t put 5 year old and confidence giver in the same description and if you are a novice in terms of riding ability and ownership skills I don’t think this would be a good combination….hang on do I hear trip trap trip trap on a bridge…oops got me ?

I'm Dun

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20 May 2021
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I've had more than a few cobs that would have made good first horses with a competent novice. I've had a couple that would have been difficult and not suitable though. You wont know till you view. I would say that working livery wouldnt be ideal though. You'd be better putting money into professional schooling once a week.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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It's not true that all horses go through a Kevin stage. Many do, and there is a risk, but if you like the pony, have a ton of confidence and can ride her now at 5 then she could be the one for you.

I wouldn't want a young horse that I owned being ridden by multiple novice riders, so the working livery would be a no for me.


Too little time, too much to read.
8 May 2012
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It depends a lot on the temperament of the pony and how well it has been trained so far. If it has had proper breaking and early training, which a lot of little cobs don't get if they are placid natured, the pony keeps up regular schooling with a more experienced person, and you have regular lessons it could work ok. Working livery for a young pony is not a good thing, they need experience first not to suffer from multiple novices riding.


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28 April 2013
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I'd also nope out of the working livery idea.

A bit of personal experience. 10 years ago I bought my first horse. I was a very green novice, he - a 5yo. Not only he soon after went through a Kevin stage, but also he recovered after being malnourished from where I bought him - que energy levels through the roof and a complete character swap!, so it was a wild ride and a VERY steep learning experience for both of us. I was lucky to have experienced equestrians around to teach me and help me when needed, and he's since then become my horse of a lifetime, but would I recommend another novice to buy a green 5yo? I doubt it. Tread with caution. She might be the horse for you, but be prepared for surprises.


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18 April 2015
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I'm afraid from me it would be a big no. Too many unknowns about how she turns out and how she may react to changes in routine. As a novice, first time owner you would be much better with a 'been there, done that' older school mistress or master.

Also you ask about working livery "for other novice riders to keep her schooling up". I am afraid it does not work like that, it has to be either the horse or the rider who is learning, not both.

Please think really carefully about this, as you may be setting yourself up for a ton of heartache and expense if you buy. You are at an early stage in your riding, and a couple of bad days with a 5 year old could easily take your confidence for good. This horse will most likely turn out to be nothing like the horses you have ridden to date. Seriously don't do it.

windand rain

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25 November 2012
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Going to get shot now but I dont think anyone who cannot deal with a quiet 5 year old is ready to own a horse. More lessons and less hurry. I always have had young horses I hate made horses because they have learned too many quirks and bad behaviours. I simply do not think if you cannot manage a horse in most situations you are ready to own one


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3 October 2018
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I was a novice owner when I bought my 9 year old from Ireland. Mentally she was mature but physically and experience wise she was a baby. I had a lot of lessons and guidance and whilst I loved the journey there were days I just wanted to give up and cry. I wanted to go out and have care free fun!
7 May 2020
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If you’re looking for a confidence giver, you need to be setting your sights on an older “been there, worn the t shirt”, type. Totally agree, I would not want a 5yr old on a working livery either.


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9 March 2008
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A sensible 5yo will probably be a sensible horse. It might go through a teenage phase, but it might not. I have a 30yo who has never calmed down, but my 11yo Sec D has always been a very good girl from the age of 18months and did not have a teenage phase. Having said that, I definitely wouldn’t put a 5yo on working livery especially not for novices to school.


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23 July 2020
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Have you already viewed and ridden this horse, OP?

Or are you basing your description of a horse that’s “brilliant” hacking and in the school, and a “confidence giver”, on the advert alone?

It will be hard to tell if the horse is suitable either for you or as a working livery unless you’ve actually seen it and ridden it.

Have you asked the yard/RS if they’d be willing to take it as a working livery? Perhaps they could give you advice and help you to select the right horse.


Well-Known Member
29 July 2018
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Definitely wouldn't put it on working livery. Too high a chance of ending up with a school sour horse who knows every trick in the book when it comes to evading a novice's aids.

Depending on how the horse is when you go to try her, I think you'd be alright as long as you're getting weekly or even biweekly lessons.


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16 February 2009
Slopping along on a loose rein somewhere in Devon
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As a YO and someone who's been around horses for over 50 years all of my instincts scream "yikes" when I hear of a youngster being teamed with a novice! It's the old saying that was around even when I did Pony Club (many years ago now!!) of "Green on green should ne'er be seen".

However, however........ my very first pony was only 5 when I had him; and I was a very novice 13yo!! Everyone said it wouldn't work out and the pony would be "ruined" in less than 6 months, yet we both went on to have a very happy partnership!! But this was a very special pony, a one-in-a-zillion pony.

My current ride was a just-backed 4yo when I had her and even at that age would hack safely solo through a working quarry; so I guess that's another one that's a "pony-in-a-zillion" and broke all the rules!

Generally however, my advice would be that unless you have skilled help (and I mean "skilled" not just someone standing around with - god help us - a lunging whip in hand) it might be better to go for a horse that has proven experience in carrying a novice rider.

A first step might be to perhaps consider a "share" rather than going for an outright purchase, in an environment where you can be mentored and where someone will keep a look-out to make sure everything is going ok.