Hope that link works. How can I stop the haynet swinging so much? He seems to manage and when ramp is up and door closed it isn’t really an issue. It is too far forward if tied to the front. It has the sliding ring but not sure moving that will help.
I would just move it to the front. Mine is 14hh but seems to be able to get it when it’s tied at the front, I would personally prefer it closer to him but he seems to have no problem!
Please dont use bungee's, bailing twine if need be to tie in place. I have seen the bungee ropes that hook on be pulled by horses and ping off resulting in some horrible injuries, including two that lost an eye! Unlikely, but you never know - better safe than sorry!
Could you have a vertical post made same as the front upright on the partition and purchase from trailer manufacturer a top and bottom mount, position correctly so haynet is in the right place so you can thread it through the haynet spring loaded so instantly put in position and instantly removed.
Hang it where it is but put a look of bailing twine through a hole in the haynet and loop it around the breast bar? It will help it not swing away from him, but could still move quite side to side I suppose.