Odd question re Dog Poo and 'normal' size gardens!!


Well-Known Member
23 May 2008
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This may make me sound naive - but what/where do you dispose of your dog poo?

I have 2 large dogs, we currently live on a farm so I pick up their poo and chuck it on the muck heap, however we are moving shortly to a normal house with a normal garden and i'm just wondering - do people pick up, bag up and leave it in the normal bin for the weekly collection?

(Last time I lived in a normal house, we had a little drain hole that led into the wastepipes from the house so we used to dispose of it down there!)



Justified & Ancient
15 January 2008
Mu Mu Land
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Depends, used to shovel it and have it in a bucket which was put down the manhole every week or put in the field to mulch down. Have also bagged and binned if I was in a hurry.


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3 September 2012
North East Wales
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I try to avoid letting mine go in the garden if I can, because it makes a mess and you have to shovel it - they know to go on their morning and evening walks (emergencies aside of course). Then it's easy to bag and chuck when required (we walk in a private forest a lot of the time, and there are signs to say not to bother bagging it as it won't do any harm there!).

If there is a garden or yard incident, I scoop it up and pop it in our green garden waste bin. It goes in with all the garden stuff that I can't compost. No problems thus far!


Well-Known Member
23 May 2008
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I wish mine would wait until when I walk them but I reckon they go about 2/3 times a day! I'm going to have to work out if the manhole is viable option once we move in!


Justified & Ancient
15 January 2008
Mu Mu Land
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My own dog's poo has never bothered me, have been cleaning up after my dogs since I was a kid, my current dog is on a very good diet and only goes once or twice a day and it's really not that messy to lift. Getting bright orange Bakers poo on my bike wheels, now that is disgusting!!!


Well-Known Member
7 February 2009
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Interesting question. I don't like the idea of using compost with dog pooh in it on my vegetable patch...yuk! We have a place in the garden where we put it but it is only for the dog pooh.... all the other animal pooh goes on the land, we are farmers.

The stink of dog poo on the popular "dog" walks round here is just awful.

Do remember that dogs should not be poohing on agricultural land used for farm stock nor that used for food production and IF they do it should be lifted and taken home......not just chucked up the next available tree when no one is looking, bag and all. Interesting that it seems many would want their dogs to pooh on someone elses property and not on their own. Lots of dogs from the village etc.. are put straight into cars in the mornings and driven to favoured spots for exactly this purpose.
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Justified & Ancient
15 January 2008
Mu Mu Land
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Our field is just a scraggy old field, nothing grazes in it/is grown in it. If he doesn't go at home he tends to go in the same rough location when we are out so it's easy enough to predict :p


Well-Known Member
2 February 2011
Wildest Somerset
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Well thats lucky I dont grow veg, just flowers and they are beautiful lol.

We too are farmers so I would rather my dogs pooed in the garden than out in the fields although my dogs all seem to go by the hedge, luckily we only have one public foot path on our land and I rarely walk there. Other local farmers are not happy about the amount of dog poo on their land which gets caught up in silage and hay, not nice for cattle etc.


Well-Known Member
6 June 2012
North West
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We have 2 dogs and quite a large garden. We do a poo pick daily and chuck it into a large bag at the bottom of the garden (like a horse feed bag) and as it gets full we put it into the wheelie bin just as it goes out for collection. That way you don't get a waft of poo smell every time you open the bin! The rest is obviously bagged on walks and put in a bin.


Well-Known Member
3 August 2012
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We have four dogs and a decent sized garden but despite going on walks, we still get anything from 4-10 poos a day in the garden. They all have their favoured pooing spots as well. When I just had Stig and then Stig and Hollie, I used to chuck it down the waste drain. Went direct into the 4 inch drain and 1 loo flush and it would be gone. I won't do that now though with the four of them as I just can't bring myself to put Saffies giant ones down there. Nowadays we don a disposable latex glove and go around with a carrier bag, then tie and put in bin. Takes no time and no faffing with poo bags.

We always have poo bags on us for walks, but we have very clever dogs. Hollie likes to poo in different places with a little one here and a little one there which we can never find. Saffie does MASSIVE poos, but drags herself through the undergrowth as she doesn't like to be seen. Squirrels always goes in brambles so we steer clear of them and Stig always, without fail does a poo dance. With the exception of our flat garden, he HAS to find something tall to poo on/against and it always means the poo disappears down in reallu long grass or amongst tree roots and we can't get to it.

Luckily, we only ever walk them out in the sticks where there are no bins and we are in the middle of woods/forests/plains anyway :)


Well-Known Member
23 May 2008
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We have 2 dogs and quite a large garden. We do a poo pick daily and chuck it into a large bag at the bottom of the garden (like a horse feed bag) and as it gets full we put it into the wheelie bin just as it goes out for collection. That way you don't get a waft of poo smell every time you open the bin! The rest is obviously bagged on walks and put in a bin.

Does the bag not stink in the summer? I was thinking of doing this and having a designated poo bin as well as a normal rubbish bin - I am definitely thinking about finding the manhole though, seems the most hygienic option!

Thanks for all your replies!


9 July 2012
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Usually I take mine for a walk in the forest, where there is a 'stick and flick' policy, or in the aboretum where there are bins :) If they do it at home then I double bag it as a minimum and put it in the dustbin.

This is something much in my mind at the moment as I have just swapped mine from raw back to Skinners temporarily (house move meant a chance to defrost and clean out their freezer) - waste has increased about 3-fold overnight, it is awful! I can't wait to get them back onto raw again, one nice small poo per dog per day :D


Well-Known Member
29 March 2007
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We bag it and put in the bin. At our last house we had a "dog loo", which was like a bin buried in the ground with a soak away, chemicals put in it. I don't think we used it for long though as it didn't really work properly ...yuk!


Well-Known Member
25 November 2009
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I use a horse pooper scoop to pick up after mine in the garden. I dispose of it in the compost/cut grass pile (not used) and well away from house .


Well-Known Member
18 November 2011
miles from anywhere
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I have two small dogs and a medium-sized garden. Dog poo goes down the manhole near the vegetable patch or (one dog is old and cannot always reach the back door in time) down the loo.


High upon a hillside
28 February 2008
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Either gets shovelled and chucked in the hedge, or occasionally I flick it into the stream. To be fair to me its more drainage ditch than stream and often stinks of my neighbours septic tank :eek:

I haven't done it in a while though being winter I'm not in the garden much, hopefully the slugs have done their thing! I currently have over 70 molehills in the garden,they are more of an issue than dog poo, which is less than once a day in the garden


Well-Known Member
6 June 2012
North West
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Does the bag not stink in the summer? I was thinking of doing this and having a designated poo bin as well as a normal rubbish bin - I am definitely thinking about finding the manhole though, seems the most hygienic option!

Thanks for all your replies!

Only when we open it! It's right at the bottom of the garden out of the way and we put a brick on top of it to keep it closed. We get rid of the bags more often in summer.

I say 'we' but it appears to be my job more often than not!


Well-Known Member
19 January 2011
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Therein lies another question..whose job is it to de-poo the garden in your household?

It seems to fall to me 98% of the time (and I do it daily or every other day),tho OH seems perfectly happy to moan about it but not enough to pick up the poo shovel that often.

If,however,he gives the dogs titbits/leftovers,I ensure he gets himself out in the garden to experience the joy of trying to remove the (literal) fallout. ;)
That generally ensure he doesn't titbit them again for a while..