ODE ideas for a beginner


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25 March 2015
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I wasn't brave enough to join the Wobbleberries (BE and 80cm just sounded too intimidating!) but I have set myself the challenge of doing my first ODE by the end of this year. We are competing at Prelim and Novice dressage, and 60/70cm SJ. We've been XC schooling at Gawcott, although I know we'll need to do a bit more practice on this phase! What I'm looking for is an unaffiliated ODE at our level in the Northamptonshire/Buckinghamshire area. Ideally something suitable for beginners and confidence-building, so no scary ditches/banks/downwards steps in the XC! I've been looking, but everything I find that sounds suitable has an age restriction (most commonly under 12! :D) Just wondered if anyone had any suggestions? Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
14 August 2011
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Howdy. First thing I'd say, being a wobbly wobbleberry myself, is have another think about whether you want to do the challenge or not. I read that you don't have to do a BE event although that is the main focus ofc, but you could decide to do one in 2018 and use this year to work up to that, or just one something like a ODE which is equally challenging for you. It's worth contacting the WB organisers to ask. It would mean more funds for a great cause, and I've found it to be really motivating and you get to meet riders in similar situations and hear about local events and training.

You're a bit further north than me in terms of events. I've struggled finding many ODEs though but they may not all be scheduled as yet. I've used ridingdiary.co.uk, equo events, my riding life, the BE website and then local PCs and RCs and venues looking for stuff. Some BE events to an unaff ODE so check out those places near you. Took me flipping ages to plan!

There are a few more combined events i.e. two disciplines in a day e.g Quainton, Keysoe.

Keysoe has a ODE in May. MKEC might do one. I'm looking out for RC/PC ones as I suspect there will be more of them listed.


Well-Known Member
25 March 2015
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Thanks Bernster :) I'm planning on raising a bit of sponsorship for my challenge to go to Wilberry, just too chicken to go for the full BE experience... I'm glad it's not just me that can't find the ODEs online though! Thought I was going mad. My instructor does a fair bit with the pony club so I'll ask her if she has any bright ideas. I'll also check for any unaffiliated running alongside BE - hadn't thought of that. I'm also planning on popping down to Quainton for the combined training in March (all being well), maybe see you there!


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22 April 2014
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I can't help on locations - but it may be worth checking in with some of your local riding clubs - they will often hold an unaff ODE at least once in the season. Some of our local RC will hold tiny baby classes for kiddies / the less brave among us ;)

Paint it Lucky

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19 March 2007
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You're a bit north of me so I don't know your local venues but if you know of places that have xc courses sometimes they will list ODEs on their websites that might not be on other sites. Also look in local tack shops etc, it is still quite early in the year so some places won't have their dates organised or schedules out yet. Good luck :)


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9 November 2011
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tatty you must be local to me if you've been to gawcott!

If you want to gain confidence look up Lands Eventing, they do arena eventing starting at 70cm, and even if you get eliminated at fence 1 they let you carry on. Their ODEs are really encouraging too. Their March event doesn't have a 70cm this time, but later in the year they will. All Lloyd's fences are very welcoming, as are all of the Lands team and volunteers.

To help with your confidence, come fence judge at one of their events, it'll allow you to see what the business is about.

Other options are Aston Le Walls, their 65cm arena eventing is a great confidence booster too!!


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25 March 2015
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Thanks mrsh2010, I had seen a couple of Lands Eventing ads but had assumed they would be well above our level, so good to know. I will look into fence judging too as that would help me get a feel for how the day runs. Had also totally forgotten about Aston Le Walls - good shout :) The only arena eventing we've ever done is Keysoe, which was a bit chaotic, so hopefully can find one that's a bit calmer!


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9 November 2011
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If you're free Saturday I'm riding the 80cm at Moreton Morrell - you've very welcome to come over. Lands are hosting the event there, and the 70cm is the first to go.

Usually their events are at Dallas Burston which is Southam and really easy to get too. It's held in the all weather polo pitch. They restrict the number in the warm up too!

Find their facebook page if you're on there


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30 July 2010
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Snowball Farm has an Eventer challenge in March and one day events (April and May) starting at 70cm but it may be too far for you.

How about doing some hunter trials for XC practice? Grafton PC run one at Plum Park, nr Towcester on 17th April. Also Foxhill Farm, Eydon on 15th April.


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18 January 2012
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Worth looking at elmwood equestrian too (oxfordshire) as they do a 60 and 70 ode which is very much similar to how a be event is (in terms of organistion - very good, and decorations) and is a lovely friendly venue.


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25 March 2015
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Thank you for the offer mrsh2010, unfortunately I have a birthday to go to on Saturday but if you are in need of grooming services in the coming months then I'd love to come along and see how it all works! I can be pretty useful and always bring cake! :)

I have thought about the Hunter Trials and had actually pencilled in the Grafton PC one in the diary. Didn't know about Foxhill Farm though so will check that out, along with Snowball Farm and Elmwood.

Thank you for the suggestions, I really appreciate it. Got to get the diary out now!


9 January 2015
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Aston Le Walls do a 65cm as an eventer trial on the surface and as an actual ODE on grass as the weather improves.. might be a good place to start.


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25 November 2005
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You should be jumping quite a bit higher at home with confidence than you are likely to meet in a competition. This is so it looks small and easy! To you and the horse. Also how a fence is sited can make a huge difference to how difficult it is, so even something very small on a cross country course can be tricky, at the top of a bank, or at the bottom of a bank, on a turn, etc. It is no good going to a competition which is at the limit of your comfort zone and practice.

Also go and hire a cross country course and practice doing a whole round, not fence by fence one at a time because that is quite different too. Aim to make the first experience of competition a happy one for you both.


Well-Known Member
25 March 2015
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Thanks Orangehorse :) I am a preparer by nature so I have got my instructor in on the act and we are planning several practice XC outings. As I'm aiming to stay local, my ideal is to have already gone XC schooling and done a practice round at the venue before entering. If it doesn't happen this year it's not the end of the world but having something to aim for helps focus the mind!