Of interest to a stud?


Well-Known Member
28 June 2016
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Hello, looking for some advice not an advert! I’ll try and keep it short but I do tend to waffle so apologies in advance.
Basically I have a lovely stallion who was never licensed due to not being very mature looking as a young horse, so we decided to wait and license once he had competitive results. In hindsight he probably would have licensed anyway so I regret not doing that now. Long story short after winning regionals, going to nationals, wining with good results at a respective level for his age, including Young horse classes as a 6 and 7 year old he sustained a field injury to a front leg - mistakenly put in a field that was being rested due to far too much poaching in the winter, so huge solid ruts and playing about didn’t end well!! This is unfortunately before we put him forward for licensing.
It is unfortunately not looking like he will be able to compete again. Although he is currently field sound, trotting up pretty sound and awaiting another vet check, I’m maybe jumping the gun a bit.
I don’t mind brutal honest answers, although I’m obviously gutted if I can’t get him right but what are the chances of him being of interest to a stud?
He’s not an old horse (9). Well bred, very good looking, quite a lightweight 16.1, has had good competitive success although has been a while now due to said injury. He’s good conformationally speaking. He’s a happy, easy going horse but he had enough spark for the higher levels himself (trained to Advanced) but was a genuine and non spooky ride - would hack all day both alone and in company type! Cross country and show jump trained also with a nice pop!

Is this a possibility or am I being delusional that this might be a option for him?


Well-Known Member
14 October 2009
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It is probably still possible to license him if you can present him in hand.
I think he would have a very limited commercial market (although maybe if damline is exceptional some might use him)