

Well-Known Member
7 October 2004
Earth, somewhere....
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Sorry to hear that your feeling icky again. Are you still on all the drugs under the sun?
If so it may make you feel better if you look at the 'alien' blood as been bombarded with nasty stuff (probably electric green and blue blobs) and a little inner Starzaan going 'take that invaders!' and doing a little welly dance :)

Ooooh breaky with FF!! Expecting a detailed report ;)

And 10 whole days to work out how to get him upstairs...hmm
A little trail of chipolottas up the stairs?
Just move the table on the grounds that you are too weak to come down?
Hmm will have to think up something far more elaborate the above is far to boring.

Beau likes Malteasers. Does he prefer a particular flavour of Doritios?