Ok guys need your help !!!


Well-Known Member
26 February 2008
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I have completely lost my nerve showjumping. I'm fine X country (mini
) but have just had a second SJ lesson on my boy and my mouth was dry, heart palpitations the lot. So, I would like to find somewhere I can go and spend a day or two having loads of lessons on schoolmasters I can trust (my boy has a bit of a buck after a jump and that's not helping me get back into the swing of things). I rode a dressage schoolmaster at Talland and it helped me loads.

12 months ago I had the same feeling just getting on and riding after I had a fall so I'm making progress
but he loves to jump and years ago I loved to so I neeeed to crack this for my sanity and to make sure my nerves don't end up spoiling him

Is there such a place? Midlands area would be good but I'll travel XXXX


Well-Known Member
22 August 2008
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I dont know where you can go for these but someimes I find it helps in confidence to see someone else ride and do things on yr horse if you are lacking abit of nerve. For example if I am about to get on a new horse and jump it, if I see the owner or groom jump it first, then in my head I think it's fine and I just get on with it but if I get on cold then sometimes i'm riding into jumps thinking I really dont know what you are going to do here, please lift yr feet up.
Not sure if this will help you but it helps me and it's all in the mind. Good luck


Well-Known Member
26 February 2008
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Thank you
Yes I was thinking of getting a confident rider to get on him just to make sure he doesn't start to get the same hang up as me


Well-Known Member
22 August 2008
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You see, why would you get on these schoolmasters and jump them and probably not get as nervous as on yr horse? because someone has told you they are great and will do this that and the other but you dont really really know that yet I bet you dont give it another thought and jump on and yr fab. I'm definitley not saying dont have lessons on schoolmasters as I think it is a great thing to do but just that if you see yr horse doing things you maybe wouldnt do then that might give you confidence that it's actually not that bad.


Well-Known Member
26 February 2008
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You're right I know you are, I just felt like I had to jump jump jump until I was back in the rythm and feeling more confident and I don't want to do that just on my horse and jump his legs off. His buck is just a bit of excitement but it feels to me like I'm going to come off.
. I get so down and annoyed with myself because you really are right, its not jumping as such that I'm worried about, its jumping with him cause I feel like I'm going to come off.
Anyway, I have woken with a more positive head and I'm going to do some gridwork with him and try to just get back into the feeling of it again without worrying about strides and distance and just build up from there
. Thanks for your advice and help