omg I don't know what to do


Well-Known Member
21 March 2005
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I would personally give the advert one last shot!

Drop all mention of the words 'scope', 'potential' 'flat work' & re-title her with the emphasis on 'confidence giver' or something!

When you say she is a 'fun' hack, what do you mean exactly? Forward going but safe? One for the brave? What?
If she's a 'safe' hack, try marketing her at a 'permanent loving home wanted' for a fun but safe horse that loves to hack out, enjoys jumping etc. & drop price to 3,800.

Aimed at somebody like Vicstress maybe that has had time off from riding but is a competent rider & wants something more than a safe 'plod'!

Worth a try & you've nothing to lose! Like GT's, I found the ad a little ambiguous, somewhat open to interpretation, so my first thought on why she hasn't sold is kinda correct from that point of view!

Forget your hopes, plans & dreams for her, they're irrelevant, all that matters now is finding her a good home & getting a half decent price for her!
Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
24 November 2005
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Agree with JAK on this one - perhaps also put something like "All sensible offers considered" then you'll be able to tell whether or not she's overpriced by what people offer you - you may even be offered more than you're asking!


thanks JAK - we have advertised her as advised by many different people on here, and even from people who work in the magazines.

Fun hack means that she is safe but forward going, doesn't cause any problems.

I'm just lost tbh. I mean she is a very good horse in terms of being easy and safe, but she also is fab xc, amazing at sj, and is a very good competition horse - I don't want to not mention it in an ad when its such a key part of her

thanks very much for your advice - though we can't actually edit the ad at this stage anyway so we're a bit stuck there anyway


Well-Known Member
26 May 2005
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Completly agree.
Although you have been completly honest in her its obviously atracting the wrong market.
If she is safe and a good confidence giver then re word it to aim at those people.You will have plenty of time to win them round to her comp ability when they are on the phone( and that in itelf would make her sell to most, wont be any need to sell her on in a few years).
Either drop the price to under 4k or throw in tack and rugs fro 4k(people love to feel they have got a good deal!).

She really is a lovely mare.Best of luck selling her.


I don't understand really how I can reword it anymore? I've stopped talking about her as a serious competition horse - all the ad really says now is that she's a great confidence giver and a safe, fun ride, and good at SJ and XC.

Surely that would attract people looking for a safe confidence giver?

The Virgin Dubble

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19 March 2003
On my sofa
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What about advertising her as a show jumping school mistress?

Those types are usually really sought after, and from what you've said about her, I'm sure anybody looking to take their jumping more seriously, would snap your arm off for her.

If I was looking for something along those lines, she would certainly tick all my boxes...


Well-Known Member
6 November 2003
The Sodden Cotswolds
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I cannot understand why she hasnt been sold and neither can the SJ team leader from the RC I jumped her in

She is TRUELY a fantastic SJ confidence giver - she is a great hack, she is not spooky at all, she is the most perfect teenagers horse - perfect for a mother/daughter share too but equally would go on the open teams SJ and Eventing at RC and PC

I am stumped - she gives and gives


Well I do tell people that really is what she is, however I can't seem to put it in an ad or people complain because she hasn't competed much with me [again because I can't...]


Well-Known Member
23 April 2005
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Personally I would drop the price to just under £4k - its a mental thing isnt it? £3,900 seems so much less than £4k!! LOL
I would also try the horsehunter website - I advertised Maisey on there, she was a 14.2, 5yr old and sold for just under £4k and the phone didnt stop ringing!!
I would also try the pony club website - she would be just the sort of horse a ponyclubber going into horses would love.

I do not agree that at 12yrs old she is past it/too old etc..

I would put more into the advert as its somewhat lacking in detail about what she has done - ie has she been on pc/rc teams/rallies? What has she actually done? Maybe worth putting in the advert that you would consider short loan with view to buying?

If I had the money she would be the sort of thing we would look for as Becci wants to get back into jumping.
Good Luck


Well-Known Member
23 August 2006
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Oh poor Paris, its such a shame, she is so lovley, if you get stuck you know where i am, id love to have her to do RC stuff next year xxx Aisha xx


Well-Known Member
14 June 2006
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She is a lovely horse - and look, I'm sorry to nit-pick, but the fact you spell discipline wrong and repeat yourself in the last sentance would put me off. Sorry, but honestly, it would. My own spelling is dreadful, and I make all kinds of mistakes - but if it is in an ad, then it puts me off. Instead say 'Sadly for sale as owner off to University' or something like that. And I agree, be more specific. Talk more about her jumping - add that her flat work is good but not of the same standard.


Well-Known Member
14 February 2006
South East
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I am gutted for you Spiral, I love the look of your mare and if i could afford to keep another i so would! Just wish i knew someone looking for a first horse Schoolmistress! How is she not selling?????
I feel so sorry for you, loaning is a good idea, and i also would if you could change her title to Showjumoing Schoolmistress... so what if she hasnt competed in a while doesnt make her not a schoolmistress. Meanss hes had a break and will be fresh and ready to go, at 12 she is pefect as shes been there and seen it all but has plenty of years to compete in her yet, and as to her flat work, from what i sore on the videos its not that bad, and will give someone something to work on as shes so perfect in every other way.
Will keep my ears pinned to the ground for you!
The only other thing i can think of is to find a local show hire transport and compete for the day asking the tannoy people to announce she's for sale... she might just sell her self, and if not at least you've had a fab day!
Fingers crossed xx


Well-Known Member
7 July 2001
Northern England
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have you thought of putting her through a good reliable local dealer on the basis that you are consulted about the future home if he/she gets a purchaser? That would take the pressure off - although you would have livery and commission to pay


Well-Known Member
18 May 2006
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I can't understand either but if she jumps 4 ft 9 then put that in your ad, it's the sort of thing I wanted to hear when I was looking for my son last year. Also put good to clip, load etc as some people are too lazy to pick up the phone and make these enquiries if its not in the ad. I know this is of no help to you but If I could afford to I'd have her like a shot, my son's horse is 16 and people can't believe her age - 12 is nothing and I think your price is fair


Well-Known Member
21 July 2005
Malton, N yorkshire
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From being at two equine colleges, I personally would never loan a horse to one. There *are* lots of beginners who ride. I have seen plenty of people riding on horses that they don't feel confident riding, including myself, so even if they do assessment they tend to pretty much chuck you on whatever hasn't been worked too much. Good horses get overworked. Turnout is usually rubbish (a couple of hours during summer months and none during winter - if you're lucky). Bedding is usually very minimilistic.

That's just my opinion, perhaps there are some equine colleges that are different from those I've experienced.


Well-Known Member
30 September 2005
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The ad is good
The picture is very nice too. The only thing I would say is that you're selling one horse in a market of many at the moment. She's also a bit of an in-between size.

Personally, I wouldn't make a big play on he BSJA'ing at BN and Disco. This is entry level and at the age of 12 she isn't going to attract someone looking for a BSJA ride imo. That said, you do only mention it in passing !

She sounds to me like she would be the perfect horse for someone stepping up from ponies to horses, and as such should be targetted at a good pony club home. She's the right size for that too. I know you have mentioned PC/RC teams in your advert, but perhaps make a real big play on the fact that she would take someone on from ponies ? There are agents around who will market her on your behalf for a small commission. Failing that a reputable dealer should be able to find a good home at a reasonable price


Well-Known Member
4 October 2003
New Forest
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I think the market is actually really slow at the moment, even when I only tried to loan my schoolmistriss showjumper, I only had one person who was ideally suited to her enquire. Luckily she seems perfect and the mare has now been with her 3 weeks so fingers crossed it will work.

It is worth considering loan, but the problem with that is with you going in 3 weeks what would happen if it didn't work out and she had to come back?

I would definately look at the college route if desperate as they will at least be well looked after, but lets be honest it's unlikely they will progress her training or increase her value.

I get a bit annoyed by the age thing as well, these been there done it horses could be so much fun for the average amatuer rider, but people want everything to be 8 years old. It's no wonder dealers often stretch the truth when it comes to age!

You've only got to look in last weeks H and H to see how many are for sale at the moment. If you really need to get rid of her you may need to cut your lossses and sell to a dealer. I'm sure they would snap her up and there are some reputabel ones out there.

Good luck.


Actually I didn't write that advert and I would never spell a word incorrectly like that. That particular advert was written by a girl who works for horse deals. Point noted but there's nothing I can do about it.


Well-Known Member
6 September 2005
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Try not to panic sweet you still have a few weeks and i am sure there is someone out there that will love her. It's only 10.30 so the people who tried her out yesterday will surely call you back. x


Well-Known Member
11 March 2005
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such a bad time to sell, i know how you feel, we have two that need to go but we are struggling & we have our prices rock bottom.
i would call local pc's & ask if they can pop a ad on the site for you or if they know of anyone looking.
good luck


Well-Known Member
13 June 2006
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I have been looking for a horse for my daughter and I to share. Most important factor is safe hack. My daughter (aged 13 and half, been riding 6 yrs) wants to take her jumping further. I want something I can hack and work on the flat. I know you said flatwork is not her strength but would be willing to work at this over time and don't want to go any higher than novice dressage.
Would you consider a loan to Bedfordshire with a view to buy if she settles in ok?


We seem to have found that by including schoolmistress in the ad [which was in her H&H ad], people along with it expect - no matter how much I tell them on the phone - that she is a push button ride [her jumping is, but not her flatwork] who takes absolutely no riding at all.

Vicijp - nope, she's not hunted
. I wanted to but couldn't as I worked saturdays and had college in the week. We have had meets at the yard and she was fine and I can't imagine she'd be a problem but I can't say she has done unfortunately.


I would yes but I would need a contract etc signed even for a short period seeing as I'm sure you can understand that being in Wales I can't afford to have her given back when I'm not around with nobody to look after her!


Well-Known Member
13 June 2006
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Of course - full loan agreement in place before moving her.

If she is as good on the ground to look after, and a safe hack then we would offer her a permanent home.

Where do we go from here?


Well-Known Member
16 June 2006
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I'm sorry but I think it is the price, unless there is a lot more she has done that is not in the advert there is nothing really to lift her above all the other horses for sale. Is she a "bombproof schoolmistress" they always seem in high demand and people will pay decent money for that. Also not many people will say they are not interested because of the price as they think it makes them look poor/cheap but if you are not getting any real feedback as to why they are not interested I would guess it is that. How long have you had her? Is this the horse that has been posted about before and was bought for quite a bit less than £4000 and then not really done anything to warrant the increase in price?


Well-Known Member
14 February 2006
South East
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Wow Wow Wow!
Spiral i so hope this avenue works out for you!
Im in Bedfordshire too, can i ask who you are and where your situated?
Might even get to see her in the flesh if this goes ahead!
Or am i being nosey? Ah well so what if i am, its just because id love to see her in a nice new home, Spiral seems so lovely and has had such bad luck selling her horse who really looks gorg! And flat work really didnt look that bad to me in her video, im sure its satisfactory to most people out there!
Fingers crossed on this one xx


Well-Known Member
19 April 2004
Brussels sprout country
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Having read this thread, and what you and other have said, I strongly suspect that the difficulty you are having selling Paris is down to timing. There are loads of people in your position, so the market is awash with teenager's horses with similar abilities. I guess your options are to lower the price yet again, put her through a dealer, loan her or keep her until the spring when prices rally a bit. It is so frustrating as you know how good she is, but market forces are really dictating her price.