apart from having a pink room, and a fantastic rug that actually is pink and SAYS pink on it lol
think of getting one of them ornamental horses, not sure what they're called like the ones with the couds on thats pink to go in my room lol. i have a feeling you may soon purchase the girth cover! hehe
PF....I seem to remember, quite some time ago now, seeing some sort of photo of yourself wearing a hat with...was it a PINK ribbon round it, almost...bonnet-like? I cannot remember the name of said hat...but I think it would look WONDERFUL in a photo, complete with PF wearing all her pink stuff
Edit: Was it called a "Hannet", or some such other name?!
Well I posted the baseball cap to you today - so that's MORE pink for you!! Have a good supply of stout paper bags - I feel that you are going to need them when you stand back to view your creation!!
That means I need to buy my brushing boots and hat band and numnah on payday then. Can't have you being pinker!!!!
Everyone thinks my pink endurance bridle is hideous, which means I think its great!!!! And they think I'm cruel having the pink travelling gear but to be fair, the boots were replacements sent to me and were the only colour they had, and the summer sheet was the only cotton one in stock and just happens to be very close in colour to the boots. And the Fleece is acceptable surely, being mainly navy but with a cornflower and raspberry "swoosh" on it.
So of course then I had to get a headcollar to match and got a nice travel grooming kit to co-ordinate.
Just need the above, plus some pink fleece bandages now...