Ongoing Suspensary Ligament Problem


Well-Known Member
19 May 2009
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Feb last year my then 13 YO ISH came in with his near hind leg swollen beyond beleif, after a week or so it was diagnosed that he had a massive 6cm vertical hole in his SI caused by something (a thorn possibly) puncturing and infecting the area. It had been festering for a few months and made this hole and then ruptured on 2nd Feb, after a month or so battling deadly lymphangitis and nearly loosing him we rested him until feb this year when he had his all clear scan after some light work, we were slowly increasing his work, alwasy erring on side of caution and he went lame on the same leg, a scan confirmed that the ligament was beginning 2 rupture again, the vet is fantastic but thinks we may only get him back 2 light hacking if lucky, does anyone have any experience of anything similar or any tips for rehabilitation or therapy? we were told by the vets this is a pretty one off case but anything relating to SI's would help, sorry its such a long post, thanks for reading, any advice welcome to help my special boy!


Well-Known Member
1 July 2007
Leics/Northants border
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No experience with this sort of injury, just the normal PSD! which was operated on. ( which was a success)
Can you suggest to your vet if an operation is possible?
Best of luck anyway ((((( some healing vibes too))))


Well-Known Member
16 May 2005
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I don't know whether you have already discussed this with your vet, but there is stem cell treatment which can assist the healing of holes in the ligament.


Well-Known Member
19 May 2009
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Stem cell was an option when the initial injury occured but 4 1 reason or another we did not go 4 it (inconclusive research with ligaments at the moment)

The vet has not mentioned operating, i dont no that it is and option, he is really good and open mined and researches things out of hours, an op has not been mentioned.


Well-Known Member
17 April 2009
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The operation Neurectomy and Fasciotomy, is an op where the nerve is cut to make room so its not touching anything? Therefore no more pain! Perhaps someone can explain it better?!

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You've just about done it! It's that simple. The neurectomy acts as a permanent nerve block, the fasciotomy makes the room for the swollen ligamnet to heal.

Tiny little incision never cut, and hey presto, no pain.

My vet no longer does the fasciotomy as there is a documented risk of prolaps through the leg wall.

This op, however, will only be suitable if the leision is in the highest point point of the sus lig.

If there is a leision in the core then the injections are more suitable.

Josie has both because she's 'special!'

The ligamnet will never mend, is does not regenerate, it meerly scars. But this scar material is strong enough, many horses go on to have a very good career. It will always be more suseptable to breaking down again though