Other people riding your horse?


Well-Known Member
25 February 2009
I let trusted friends on mine, I think its good for them and I'm not so arrogant to think I'm the only person who knows how to ride her. To be honest, I'm very grateful that I have friends who are happy to ride her as I'm off games with a broken finger so at least she's being worked and being ridden by someone else may well be beneficial! Plus after many years of not having my own horse, I'm eternally grateful to those people who let me ride their horses for them!


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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as opposed to that other sort of man that doesn't JFTD? :p (though presuming we are talking humans here)


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22 July 2013
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I let people ride mine. Novices are the best as they listen and enjoy the experience of riding without using the reins as a break. The horses are very kind and enjoy playing around doing the things the riders don't tend to get taught in a riding school.
I'm happy for competent riders to use them if I'm happy with the way they ride, even if it's different to my style. It's interesting for the horses as they have to listen and think.

The only people who don't get a foot in the stirrup are riders who see horses as a machine, who nag constantly or are arrogant. It's a shame to see my two catapult arrogant riders through the air. I don't like the horses upset.:D


Well-Known Member
4 November 2010
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as opposed to that other sort of man that doesn't JFTD? :p (though presuming we are talking humans here)

One never knows. I submit all prospective mates to genetic testing before getting too carried away these days anyway...


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11 December 2004
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Nobody here WANTS to ride my horse :) Which is fine as it saves me saying No and offending anyone.


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28 March 2011
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Lots of people ride mine but mainly I ride J because he's my special friend ( not so special this week as he's being a brat )
My grooms , my friend ( the fit young man who is deployed when needed ) various other friends , the BE accredited trainer who has got me jumping again rode him on Wednesday . MrGS hacks him now and again and has jumped him in the school .
It's good that they know and accept this if I fell under a train it would be less of a shock .


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14 March 2010
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My boy is on loan, and it's part of my contract that only certain named people ride him. Luckily for me he fits well into my routine as he only needs riding two or three times a week. I am allowed to let a friend of my mum's ride him out with my mum on her horse, she's a quiet confident rider and Alf only hacks so I think it's good for him to go out with her once a week.
My mum's horse is generally a one person horse so we like to encourage other trusted people to ride him within his comfort zone so he gets used to it.
I got most of my education and a majority of my early riding through borrowing other people's horses so I'm always keen to "repay" the favour now I have my own.

windand rain

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25 November 2012
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I don't ride anymore so mine are always ridden by other people but I am usually around when they are ridden as I poo pick while they are They are ponies so need to be safe for any rider including kids as I am getting old and they may need a new home sometime so they are getting the best and most varied start I can get them they are ridden by experts and by novices and in the older ones case kids hopefully we will all grow ancient (dis) gracefully but I feel it is my responsibility to give them the best all round start I can


Well-Known Member
4 July 2012
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I don't mind people riding Pip, they tend to do it once and never again though :eek: He's not straightforward!

My friend is competing yellow pony, but then he's rather nice to ride!


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1 June 2011
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i rent my own yard so don't have lots of people around eying up my horses looking for rides, but that said, i have had a sharer for the big girl before now and have let others have a play on her. only time i have said no is when sharer asked if her friend who i had never met could ride her when i wasn't there. i don't worry too much about my girl getting too reliant on me, she's not that kind of girl lol


Well-Known Member
28 July 2010
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I am wary about letting people ride my horse. I don't mind the odd person having a sit and a pootle about aimlessly in the school for twenty minutes whilst I am there, but certainly wouldn't let the majority of people school her properly. I have my instructor school her at the moment whilst I am pregnant and he is pretty much the only person I would trust to ride her properly.

Part of the reason is that she is a super spooky horse, and coupled with her size and stature she isn't for a novice rider who could be unseated easily. Plus, I have let a couple of people on her before who I have seriously regretted given their riding style.

Polar Bear9

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17 April 2014
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I'll happily let people ride my current horse and most of my previous ones. Many people have allowed me to ride theirs and its good to give back opportunities to others. Its probably slightly cynical and stuck up but I look at it as if they can't ride her I must be alright for managing, if they can ride her its a testament to my good schooling ;) HOWEVER I have to ask them if they want to. No one who asks or hints gets a go, its bad manners. Likewise I have to be sure they won't die. Our 11 year old loaner of our little pony used to bug me to ride my sharp, tricky ISH mare then get upset when I wouldn't let her. She still thinks I was being spiteful.... On the other hand no one rides my sisters apart from her and me. Hes got a buck that could take out passing helicopters and is very much an acquired taste


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19 April 2014
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I think it depends on the horse. My boy is a wee star and is on working livery - it suits him really well. Always supervised and I get proud when people have had a good ride on him. Especially experienced riders who don't expect much from a hack on a wee hairy - they usually come back with a big grin as he is so much fun. My girl is a bit different. She is a one person horse and not up for change. My instructor retrained her, and will ride if I'm on holiday, otherwise I have nowhere to hide - how well she goes (or not!) is entirely my input - scary! She's fun, well behaved and not difficult, just different people stress and upset her. As I don't intend to show, I'm happy not to share her.


Well-Known Member
27 February 2010
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One if them I used to let others ride. He used to get schooled once a week for me and a young girl used to like jumping, so I let her have lessons on him. The one I mainly ride now I don't let anyone else ride. He's a sensitive soul and took a while to trust me. There are certain people I would let ride him, but they have no need to, so I will keep it just me and him :)


13 May 2014
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I will let my trainer ride my horse (during lessons, on holiday) or good riders to hack safety reasons shes quite sharp and wouldn't want to see anyone get hurt, but that's as much as I will go in regards to other people riding her. I hate the thought of teaching and training the horse then for somebody to un do what has been done or give her a bad experience. I get to see how she moves and behaves when my trainer rides her. Im under no illusion that everyone rides different and has different expectations. Id just like to keep mine and mine only for my horse :)


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19 April 2009
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I only let my really close friends ride her. When I could do everything myself I would never have let anyone on her, but now to try and get her to do more I do have people ride her. Ebony just loves to jump and with my stupid leg, I am never going to be able to do this again :( so they will jump her for me, and I have to say I do turn into a little green eyed monster thinking that should be me :( but Ebony has a great time and to me that is the most important thing of all :D The nice thing is everyone that has been on her thinks she is lovely, even as she is an ID she just floats around. Ned always looks to me like he would be great fun to ride :p


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30 November 2005
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No "other" people no - categorically never.

However we have four horses between me, OH and occasionally his sister when she is home. They are often exercised by his mum, and need to be used to different riders as I will often have to swap and change on hunting days due to wobbles, shoes, tack issues and everything in between.


Well-Known Member
15 November 2009
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Not sure if I should feel honoured or running away really fast. You never know, I may just take you up on the offer. :D

it would be genuinely interesting but equally id have to weigh up the risk. I get on him every day knowing what he could do and id never forgive myself if he fell over and hurt someone.

he actually gave a 14yo a schoolmaster lesson last week, but because she rode very carefully and didnt pressure him at all, he was fine. I think he might be rather diff if an adult got on and tried to do *something* with him, if that makes sense?!


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26 February 2007
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I often let one of the 14yo ride ginger pony- under supervision/instruction, purely because she is a proper teaching horse and wont do if you don't ask correctly.
Best comment she has come out with- she looks perfect for you and like your doing nothing I thought she would be easy!

Made me :D, im no Edward Gal but small compliments are nice

As a kid I was constantly swapping ponies with the other kids at the yard- how do you learn to ride different types unless you get on other horses?


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11 October 2006
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I've seen him at a few comps. Fell in love with him the first time I saw him back in his novice days. Well aware what he can do both good and toys out of pram. As a prelim rider I only do walk trot and canter ;) , can ride very quietly if required and have a very sticky seat developed from years of riding 'problem' horses. As you say, it would be interesting and I always ride totally at my own risk.


Well-Known Member
11 February 2010
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I rarely ride any horse but my own, I am novicey and I know she will put up with me and look after me
I don't mind other people riding her,in fact this afternoon my friend's sharer's sister is riding her and that's fine, but I do mind if I feel the person is taking advantage of me or my horse


Waffled a lot!
7 June 2010
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I don't mind at all if they're sensible people. Our gelding is pretty laid back hacking, most people could ride him. My mare is pretty fizzy, and scares a lot of people off, but I happily share her with more experienced riders. My stepson's old ponies were often used by friend's children for leadrein hacks and lessons.

I always make sure that riders have been out with me a few times so I know they're safe, then if they have insurance I am happy for them to ride while I'm away. I would avoid someone over confident and heavy handed, who would do too much, and I was wary of those only wanting to jump etc. I don't worry about their schooling being messed up.


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25 January 2008
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I am happy for suitable people to ride mine, I find it interesting and I think it is good for her education. I don't let anyone though!

I have to share her with OH so she gets ridden regularly by him. My sister has the occasional potter on her but she a quiet, gentle and balanced rider who has no desire to school so I don't worry about what they get up to.

My young nephew rides her about once a month. Originally he rode her just to do a little show on the lead rein but my girl really deals with it well and he can ride a fairly tidy intro test on her now! My mare concentrates very hard on pleasing him, he is gentle and takes instruction well so it works well. I would rather have him ride her than someone who thinks they can ride or someone who can ride but is too dominant in their riding style as that just worries her.

There are a few HHOers I would happily let ride her if the opportunity arose though.


Well-Known Member
8 October 2013
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I'm often away at weekends, so other people are welcome to exercise ride if I know who they are/how they ride. I'm usually there first time they ride him, though!

Mum, sister and I all ride each others' horses, and so has our instructor.