Ouch. Possibly most ridiculous horse related injury ever.


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4 October 2013
South Yorkshire
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The riggy a**hole decided to chase mare that was on the yard while I was tacking up in the stable (bearing in mind the door was closed) and in his hubris he whacked me across the face with his bit. This cut my cheek with the force and I had a massive bruise, just in time for my holidays ¬¬


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18 April 2015
My own world. The real one confuses me.
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- Broke my collarbone learning how NOT to injure myself at karate... We were doing breakfalls and I landed on the wrong part of my shoulder. There was a huge crack and it was a bit sore but I thought nothing of it and got up and carried on doing more. I only realised something was wrong when we moved onto sparring and I couldn't bend to bow to my partner!
- Also got bitten right on the neck by a pony as I was doing his girth up. Mum took me to minor injuries where they covered me in iodine and put a massive patch on my neck... And got a bonus tetanus booster just in case!
- Had the jewellery in my nipple piercing ripped right through... LONG story, not horse related!
I hope you start feeling better soon, OP!


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4 October 2003
New Forest
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I broke my ankle in 2 places whilst sat on the ground! I had fallen off the horse with no real injury and held onto my horse. I was however sat with my legs underneath me at not the best angle TBH, all fine until my horse pulled back, I held on and caused a twist fracture as my own weight went back over my ankle! Doh.
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12 February 2013
West Midlands
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Not an injury as such, but I once slipped while bringing a horse in through a muddy gateway, face first in to the electric fence. Zapped right on my forehead! Ouch!


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2 October 2014
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Managed to kneecap myself struggling to push a full wheelbarrow through a very rutted field. I moved - wheelbarrow didn't. Cue me sat on the ground gasping for breath, thinking I was going to be sick. Couldn't put any weight on that leg for a while!

Also done the whole punching self in the face when doing girth up/knocked off feet by a 17hh mare who swung her head round and into me


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1 June 2012
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I have learnt fake nails and horses don't mix. Busy mucking out, went to chuck haynet out the door for other person to pick up who was on the rounds filling them up. Caught my thumb on the edge of door as I did it. Ripped fake nail and half of real nail clean off. Never seen so much blood for such a silly thing! Whats worse is the other half of nail was barely hanging on and I had to pull it off the rest of the way. Gag!!


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25 October 2010
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I was at a shoot meet one day and the owner had a gorgeous 17h ID. Of course I had to get on (after a few hot whiskeys) and I was getting a leg up. The man giving me a leg up was deep in conversation with the owner and forgot about me - and pushed me right up and over the horse. I was clinging for dear life yelling for him to stop but he wouldn't let my leg go hahah. I ended up with cracked ribs and couldn't move for a week.


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11 April 2011
I live in Kent
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so many, so many.......However the two that stand out are...............

Riding in the states I was coming down a steep slope that had lots of flat rocks, The cowboy fella was ahead and his horse walked on to one of the rocks and promptly fell over. Slipping is a real fear for me, no idea why, so I jumped off to lead the little mare I was riding down the hill. Half way down I stepped on to one of the rocks and promptly slipped over, putting my hand in to a bunch of prickly pears. (Cactus) Ouch that hurt, the best thing was that several weeks later my hand erupted in to little pustules where all the sharp spins were popping out. I had so much fun squeezing them out!!! ......sorry!

The second happened this year and was so silly but my leg still hurts, i was waiting to ride and wandering around, I bent down to pick up a bucket, as i did so my foot slipped in the mud and shot forward, the toe went under some concrete and I fell forward on to the floor of my feed room. Luckily my knee went in to a perfectly formed, mud filled, knee shaped depression in the concrete floor, but I badly bruised my shin . I will admit I cried for a bit over that one. I didn't go riding!


Go away, I'm reading
18 December 2010
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Black eye caused by standing next to my horse doing up the girth on a wet day! Hand slipped up the girth strap and I thumped myself in the eye!

I've done that only I hit my nose :(

I'm currently crippled due to not paying attention to what I was tying the 3kilos of soaked hay to, supposed to be the tie ring but I stupidly tied to to the twine instead so as pulled it up twine snapped and I fell backward landing on my left hip.

Doesn't help that six months ago I got off pony and landed wrong and twisted my right knee so now it's hurting to much to ignore I've been banned from riding until my MRI results are back :(


Well-Known Member
10 February 2008
Ouch hope you feel better soon!! I once tripped up on the yard and broke my fall with my hands (tripped up over my own feet!!) I managed to break both my elbows and my left arm in the process!!!!


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15 April 2013
South Worcestershire
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Horse was kicking off in lorry at end of friend's drive, I ran back towards lorry, tripped on the speed bump, designed to slow down the milk lorry, and broke my arm.

Getting on horse in very cold weather, he moved a bit, as my right foot was already in the stirrup, I pushed off with my left foot and nearly a third of my achilles tendon went. It was at this point that I began to suspect that my body was starting to let me down a bit!

Get better soon, these soft tissue injuries are a real pain in more ways than one.


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27 January 2011
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I ended up with a bleeding nose after punching myself in the face when my hand slipped off the girth strap. I wouldn't have minded too much but it was the second time I'd done it that day and was thinking 'ooh, careful now - you don't want to.... OOFT! Oh *&^! Ow'.


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14 August 2005
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I fed my pony before work. Got to field, climbed over gate in my work shoes, put feed in (possibly took rug off) and then climbed over gate to get back to car when my foot slipped and I fell, twisting my ankle. I was unable to move. Finally hopped to my car and made it to work slightly late.

My boss asked if I'd had a run in with my horse (I ended up falling off a couple of times prior to this) and I had to admit that no, I fell off the gate. My boss was wetting himself laughing.


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22 November 2011
Sunny Scotland
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Smack face whilst doing up girth - check!
Kneecap self pushing heavy wheelbarrow through ridiculous mud - check!
Electrocute unmentionable area attempting to climb over electric fencing - check! :D

Had both little toes fractured within a few months of each other by mum's mare and my horse respectively.

In a rush to open school gate (to tell instructor something important which I now can't for the life of me remember) and I pushed it the wrong way only to have the gate catch and swing back at me. The big metal hasp hit me on the outside corner of my eyebrow and it just poured blood! I didn't even realise until it was pointed out to me ha ha! Now I have a teeny weeny scar under the hair.

I was infamous for my ripped jodhs at the old yard (they were my most comfy pair!) because I wasn't told a horse would barge out if I opened the door. Sure enough he barged out and I had to go catch him and put him back in but as I half turned to grab the stable door and pull it behind me he whipped round and barged out again with me still clinging on to the leadrope.
I got dragged out of the stable, almost fell over the quad bike outside, decided to give in to the inevitable and let go of the horse as I was going face first anyway and skidded on hands and knees as I landed. Caught horse and with one of the yard girls help shut him in the stable and then took myself off for a wee cry because I was a little shaken from the pain. I had cut up both knees and put holes in my fave jodhs (more upset about the leg wear!) and grazed both hands. I have little scars on my knees now too ha ha! :D

I'm sure I have more but I'd be here for ever! ;)


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20 July 2009
Wadshelf, Chesterfield
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Oh bless hope you get better soon :)

I was riding with a friend when she said King has that grass all wrapped up around his bit (he snatched a massive mouth full, when we were waiting for friend to get on) lent forward to remove grass and ripped my finger nail right off, best thing was I had gloves on so felt something but could see it. I kept saying to my friend why is my finger wet on my glove? Wasn't until we got back to the stables and I removed my gloves that my finger nail fell out and the wet patch was blood :)

Count Oggy

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9 November 2011
South East Ireland
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I split my brother's head open giving him a "lunge lesson" as a child. I had a rope tied to the handle bars of his bmx and had turned my crop into a lunging whip with more string. Inevitably, as I flicked my whip asking him to "Trrrot on!" the string got caught in the spokes and he came crashing down, hitting his head on the kerb. I was not popular that day. ;-)


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1 January 2006
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Crossed my stirrups over saddle instead of running up whilst leading horse, tried to yank the one hanging to the right back over the saddle but it got caught on something, saddle flap I think, then suddenly freed itself and flew back over the saddle, cracking me across the bridge of the nose as it did so... Broken nose and 2 black eyes, lesson very painfully learnt!


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28 February 2010
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Held on to door frame of car and electric fence at the same time - in the rain OUCH

Hit myself in the face with a 6lb claw hammer when trying to get the centre partition pole out of the horse trailer, 25 stitches, 1 missing tooth, eating through a straw for a couple of weeks, black and blue swollen face - still have scar on upper lip and nerve twitches. Told I was lucky not to either kill myself or lose an eye. Mind you the morphine was wonderful :) :) Never been able to live it down.


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15 May 2015
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Ouch, I hope you feel better soon!

I fractured my tibia after my horse ran into a tree out hunting. She was absolutely fine, but I spent the rest of the hunt without the use of my right leg. No fun at the time, but pretty hilarious looking back :)


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25 March 2015
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I hope you feel better soon! I rather unwisely decided to walk my empty wheelbarrow down the metal ramp on our muck trailer rather than hop down and guide the barrow down the ramp from the ground. Needless to say the ramp was frostier than it looked and I managed a complete cartoon slip onto my back, with the barrow crashing on top of my shin! I shed a few tears at 6am but at least the barrow was empty!


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7 July 2010
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My foot slipped while I was climbing over my (metal) gate a few weeks ago. Not only did I land with an eye watering crunch astride the gate, but I then got a bit of a side to side wobble on, and fell off the gate, landing at Alfs feet. He was most ungallant - snorted and ran away, rather than offering sympathy, and a sturdy leg to haul myself up by.

So I'm not the only one who performs an ungainly scramble over your metal gate? ;).



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7 July 2010
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Too many to count . . . here are a few that should make you feel better.

1) Kali went to Oldencraig and won both of his classes - there MAY have been some wine involved in a celebration. When I got home, I took a shower, slipped getting out and face planted the toilet resulting in a broken nose and two black eyes.

2) I managed to fook up my rotator cuff forking wet, heavy straw onto the muck trailer - almost a year later, I can't put my own hair in a pony tail and have to make feeble requests to my family.

3) Not horse-related, but I once fell off a curb while on the phone to my boss - yes, I said fell off a curb - fell OVER and everything - I might have sworn - a LOT - boss was laughing his behind off when I picked myself (and phone) back up.

4) I've done the thwacking myself in the face while doing up the girth thing - I've also pulled the lunge line out rather too quickly and the clip has smacked me in the mouth . . .

5) I was SO hungry (aka greedy) that I bit into a slice of pizza fresh out of the oven - the cheese slid off the top of the pizza, stuck to my bottom lip and burned the frap out of it - it blistered and scabbed and my lower lip looked diseased and like it was in danger of falling off for about two weeks.

Feel better now?



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17 January 2014
Probably on my way to A&E
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Last winter it was really windy so I'd barricaded the tack shed door open. Just as I was about to walk out door (looking at my feet with head turned sideways in preparation for weather blast), barricade gave way, door flung shut and I ended up on my ass.


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5 May 2012
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Not horse related but had my shoulder dislocated as a teenager when the huge black Labrador I was walking shot after a hare in a field and pulled it out the socket. I walked 3 miles home in agony.Then my "I'm a trained first aider" Dad popped it back in for me but the muscle had twisted and I ended up in a sling for a couple of weeks.

Polos Mum

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22 September 2012
West Yorkshire
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I had a friend as a kid who broke her collar bone falling off her parents bed while practising rising trot !
She told everyone it was a nasty horse fall - it was pretty ridiculous

Hope you're feeling better soon

Paint Me Proud

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13 October 2010
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I badly bruised my back dismounting once. I had been on a hack with my body protector on and when i got back to the yard i dismounted to open the gate. Cue the front of my body protector getting caught on the saddle, wrenching my top half backwards, i landed on my feet but had so much backwards momentum i couldnt stop myslef falling over backwards with a plank of wood! What made it worse was i landed sat in a big muddy puddle. I ended up going to a&e to get my back checked after several days of terrible pain. I thought body protectors were supposed to stop you getting hurt!

I am another who has punched myself in the face doing up the girth.


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11 November 2008
Down the road,up the hill,second gate on the left
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Where to begin. So much stupidity and so little time.
I have done the girth smack to myself so much, you'd think I'd learn. I broke my finger getting my engagement ring caught on a stable door. Wrecked the ring and I was lucky to keep the finger.( never wear a ring now)I once came too on the yard having been out cold for at least 45 minutes , not sure what happened but suspect I tripped and head-butted a stable door. I dislocated my thumb putting a ramp up, incredibly painful. Had to pull it back in as was in the middle of nowhere with two mares and foals on the back and they needed to be moved .I was once kicked on my hand by a small pony who was trying to get someone else and I just happened to walk pass at the wrong time. Was in agony all night with blood collecting under nail. I went to the doctor in morning who sent me to the Cambridge for x-rays. Cambridge was a military teaching hospital ( now gone) and I was a guinea pig that day. To release the blood they heated a needle up to poke it through the nail to release the blood. Well that was what was supposed to happen but they poked everywhere but over the blood. In the end the doctor grabbed it off the students and did it himself with a few choice words about students. Mind you I had a few words to say about them too. I could go on but it makes me sound clumsy. Good thing you didn't ask for general horse accidents, I might not have got away from my computer all night. I will just add my most recent fail though it isn't horse related. I was walking across the school playground a few weeks ago taking my grandson to school(I must add that I am early 50s so not really old and doddery)and I fell over and fractured my ankle. Just walking , at least OP was running. Had a huge audience too so have many witnesses to me apparently not being able to walk!