If you do feed raw then at least buy from a company that screens for the most common food borne pathogens-natures menu for example and yes, you’ll pay because they have to support recalls etc.
I have one on raw so not anti but the risks are downplayed by many suppliers. I got some stuff from a certain well known bulk supplier of raw and it was rotten-I know it was rotten because I am a bacteriologist.
op if your dogs are loose then there is a reason-food sensitivity or an infection. Quarrie is on raw, he put on loads of weight on it last year and I have to be really strict with his diet-he has great poo though and no more anal gland issues.
for indoor pens check out the whelping pens-the metal bar ones that slot together, I use them for pups.
I have one on raw so not anti but the risks are downplayed by many suppliers. I got some stuff from a certain well known bulk supplier of raw and it was rotten-I know it was rotten because I am a bacteriologist.
op if your dogs are loose then there is a reason-food sensitivity or an infection. Quarrie is on raw, he put on loads of weight on it last year and I have to be really strict with his diet-he has great poo though and no more anal gland issues.
for indoor pens check out the whelping pens-the metal bar ones that slot together, I use them for pups.