Overweight people riding young horses...


Well-Known Member
18 October 2005
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I have to say I can see why someone on here feels this is aimed at them. It certainly looks that way. If it is then you should really try and think about the real people behind the usernames on here. Particularly as the someone you are aiming this at is still considered to be a minor!!!

The Original Kao

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20 January 2007
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I'm slightly lost

Nothing new there of course


Well-Known Member
8 February 2008
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
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I have to say I can see why someone on here feels this is aimed at them. It certainly looks that way. If it is then you should really try and think about the real people behind the usernames on here. Particularly as the someone you are aiming this at is still considered to be a minor!!!

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I think you'll find that this came about after a conversation and the only people who know who/what triggered it are the people involved in that conversation. And I'm pretty damn sure they aren't a minor. And even if they were I don't think that just because you're under 18 its all of a sudden OK to be unaware of the effect you may be having on the animal you are riding. It was certainly part of my riding eduction.

We have discussions on here about what age people think youngsters should be backed at... in a lot of ways this is the same principal. And I think you'll find that 'technically' every single post created on here could make someone 'feel as though its aimed at them' if they chose to take it that way.


Well-Known Member
18 October 2005
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Hmm this quote would tell me this didn't just stem from a conversation!

I'm not going to mention the curcumstance under which I post this becasue there is a small chance the person might find out what they are doing leads me to ask this but...

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Yes just because someone is under 18 they should know consequences. However being a teenager is a hard part of life, and certainly not a time where adults should be calling someone fat. I am sure they have advise from people in there RL.

If that part of the post hadn't have been there I would have had no problem with it discussions do happen. the fact that the OP even mentioned it being about a specific person is what makes it wrong!


Well-Known Member
8 February 2008
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I think you'll find that this came about after a conversation and the only people who know who/what triggered it are the people involved in that conversation. And I'm pretty damn sure they aren't a minor. And even if they were I don't think that just because you're under 18 its all of a sudden OK to be unaware of the effect you may be having on the animal you are riding. It was certainly part of my riding eduction.

We have discussions on here about what age people think youngsters should be backed at... in a lot of ways this is the same principal. And I think you'll find that 'technically' every single post created on here could make someone 'feel as though its aimed at them' if they chose to take it that way.

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Couldn't of said that better myself.


Well-Known Member
18 March 2008
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Particularly as the someone you are aiming this at is still considered to be a minor!!!

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Er what?! I'm not sure what you are talking about

The person this is aimed at is by no means a minor, they are most definitely an adult (over 30 at least) and as far as I am aware they do not use this forum. That said you never know who is lurking so I didn't want to go into details!


Well-Known Member
27 June 2007
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Aside from the politics I think that it is important to be aware that overweight people should not be riding fine youngsters. I don't think this post is a dig at overweight people, it is simply implying that one should ride the type of horse matched to your body size. Well within reason as I'm 5ft 8 and ride a 15 hand native... but then I weigh 9 1/2 stone. This being said, many larger riders simply ride larger fairly fine sports horse types with no ill effects as the horse is big enough to cope. I have seen larger ladies in eventing coping fine and their horses aren't too squashed to jump round intermediate fences.

I think common sense needs to prevail on this issue. Its great some people are happy with their curves and so they should; but I think the issue is that people should choose an appropriate sized horse/more weight carrying breed. I'm not saying all people over size 16 should be on gypsy cobs, but just something larger or with a little more bone and definitely not fine youngsters.


Well-Known Member
26 November 2007
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I just wanted to queston the wording here. An overweight short person can still weigh say 10 stone, and as long as they are fit there should be no reason why they don't ride a youngster.

A HEAVY person i.e. up to the limit of the horse when mature and fit would be different.

I think its all got to be relative to the person & horse & situation.


Well-Known Member
18 March 2008
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Uhuh I did say that earlier on that a 6ft person wouldn't be over weight at 16 stone but a 5 ft person would. Then again I also said 16 stone is 16 stone and whether you're 6 ft or 5ft it's alot for a certain types of horse's to carry at a young age.


Well-Known Member
18 March 2008
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i think you wouldnt start backing an overweight youngster so why should an overweight rider have the pleasure of riding it

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Lol you should see one of the chubby natives where I keep my horse that is about to be backed, they need to get him going to get some of the pounds off!


Well-Known Member
21 January 2009
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Uhuh I did say that earlier on that a 6ft person wouldn't be over weight at 16 stone but a 5 ft person would. Then again I also said 16 stone is 16 stone and whether you're 6 ft or 5ft it's alot for a certain types of horse's to carry at a young age.

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Exactly. Especially as the saddle is only so big and the weight is distributed over this small area. (Pounds per square inch - the heavier the rider the more pressure there is). This could be made ten times worse if the saddle didnt fit for example, as this would increase the pressure in certain areas. A good rider can help the horse carry the weight but the weight is still there. Remember that horses arent actually well designed to carry riders in the first place, let alone one that is heavy. A heavy rider can therefore easily cause a problem or make an existing one worse.


Well-Known Member
16 October 2006
Herts, UK
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I'm currently very overweight and eventually want to buy either a gypsy cob or Highland youngster to back and bring on myself and even though a fit, mature horse of this type could carry me at my current weight I wouldn't dream or backing and bringing on my prospective youngster without sheading at least 3 stone.


Just passing through...
27 June 2008
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What a load of tosh! I've never seen so much smugness and downright rudeness.

Why on earth do you think you can judge people's skills as riders based purely on their weight? Do you have any concept of the way a horse carries weight? Do you have any understanding of the effect of a correctly fitted saddle on a horse - I'd worry more about badly fitting saddles than the weight of a rider.

As mentioned elsewhere today - I am five foot eight and weigh fourteen stone and ride a just turned five year old Dutch Warmblood. She has pelvis issues which resulted in a week's stay at Rossdales for a work-up. Since then, I have been assured by the Rossdale vet, my regular vet, the back lady, the farrier, and the saddler that I am not too heavy for her. They laugh at me.

I may choose to lose weight because I'd prefer to wear different clothes, or because I'd like to be fit enough to go hunting, or maybe so's I can ride Little Lad - who at 13hh and twelve years old is too small for me, or a zillion other reasons, but not because 'some people' consider that as I'm overweight I should not ride the horse I own!

I won't come back on this thread, I'll only be in danger of blowing a fuse.


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
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As with everything, so long as the rider is not too heavy, and this could be a 9 stone person on a 10hh pony! and yes, when young i think consideration should be taken that they are young and have a slightly lower weight limit, I don't care if it's a 4ft 16stone rider or a 6 ft 16 stone rider, neither do I think that it is weight that determines if it is a good rider, my main priority would be can the horse carry the weight easily (as a youngster), is the rider goood enough and saddle correctly fitted.
that's all Id worry about tbh.


What a load of tosh! I've never seen so much smugness and downright rudeness.

Why on earth do you think you can judge people's skills as riders based purely on their weight? Do you have any concept of the way a horse carries weight? Do you have any understanding of the effect of a correctly fitted saddle on a horse - I'd worry more about badly fitting saddles than the weight of a rider.

As mentioned elsewhere today - I am five foot eight and weigh fourteen stone and ride a just turned five year old Dutch Warmblood. She has pelvis issues which resulted in a week's stay at Rossdales for a work-up. Since then, I have been assured by the Rossdale vet, my regular vet, the back lady, the farrier, and the saddler that I am not too heavy for her. They laugh at me.

I may choose to lose weight because I'd prefer to wear different clothes, or because I'd like to be fit enough to go hunting, or maybe so's I can ride Little Lad - who at 13hh and twelve years old is too small for me, or a zillion other reasons, but not because 'some people' consider that as I'm overweight I should not ride the horse I own!

I won't come back on this thread, I'll only be in danger of blowing a fuse.

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Hear Hear!!


Just passing through...
27 June 2008
Not where I should be...
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Forgot to add: I'd be more interested in having an 'overweight' rider who was balanced and able than a lightweight rider who didn't have a clue - I know which one would be causing any damage to a youngster.

Right. Definately off now


Well-Known Member
19 February 2009
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You really seem to have made a wrong judgement on this thread Mrs Mozart i have to wonder whether you have read the whole thread. know one is suggesting that a lighter rider who is less capable should be backing a horse but simply that considerations should be made. i don't see how that is rude? yes balance is vital on a young horse but that does not eradicate that extreme weight is an issue, and to suggest it is irrelevant seems absurd.

not a single post has been rude and used derogatory terms in fact the only use of the word "fat" was by another person who felt this post was rude.


Just passing through...
27 June 2008
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I read through the whole thread. It comes across as rude and holier-than-thou - perceptions!

There are references to riding and not to just backing.

There are no references to 'extreme weight', but to 'overweight'.

What difference does the use of the word 'fat' make? Connotations and the accepted norm is that 'overweight' is due to fat and not to muscle (accepted there was a reference to a body builder).

You have chosen to respond to the generalization, but not to the specifics of saddle/weight distribution.

I knew I should have stayed away from here, but your words go out to so many people and they are taking them as gospel. I've had a few people express dispair because of this thread and similar comments from a minor few. This is despite the fact that the people who have posted (going by their posts) are not experts in the field, i.e. not saddlers, vets, or physios (if they are then I apologize, but their posts do not reflect their occupations).


Well-Known Member
11 February 2006
I think the misatke on this thread was that the word 'overweight' was used rather than the word 'heavy'.
My husband is 16 stone bodybuilder and is in no way overweight, but he is certainly heavy and no way would i put him on a youngster to back, that is my view and i am entitled to it.
I dislike seeing really heavy people on really young horses. I am not a physio, saddler or a vet, but personally, i can't see how it would be good for a horse. again that is my opinion.
I don't care what anyone weighs, whether they are tall, short or if their weight is due to muscle or not.
I did not see anywhere in the post why people would be offended but, you can't please all of the people all of the time.