

'Do you come here often?'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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Time for an updated stupid dog-related injuries thread. Dog dropped ball in garden just now and I went in for a penalty kick. He got there first**
I can't feel my big toe, despite the fact I was wearing Morettas. Not the one I broke in 2018 tripping over a laptop bag, the other one ?

**he's fine. He has the hardest head in the world. He once shattered my watch into a million pieces using his bonce as a battering ram. Tw*t.


Ah mud, splendid
6 May 2013
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Ow, hope your toe isn't broken

I have no dog related injuries to share. My dogs are small, so aside from tripping over one....Good job really because horee-related injuries are extensive enough...


Well-Known Member
3 May 2018
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I have a good one today. I think I've cracked a rib. Leaning over the side of my office chair to pick up and throw the wubba, I heard something pop and I'm in a fair amount of pain tonight!

Could it be a bit of torn intercostal muscle? I've had that, it went "pop" while I was riding.
Strain must have been already there, caused by an oversized lad landing on one knee on my sternum while practising judo !


There's no cow on the ice
28 June 2008
w(b)est coast of Sweden
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I have a good one today. I think I've cracked a rib. Leaning over the side of my office chair to pick up and throw the wubba, I heard something pop and I'm in a fair amount of pain tonight!

Liked because it sounds like an achievement managing to injure yourself leaning out of a chair, without the chair even falling over. Don't Like the pain.

Hope everyone's injuries are starting to feel better as soon as possible. {{{{{{Vibes}}}}}}


HHOSS Wonder Woman
21 May 2002
West Sussex
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Could it be a bit of torn intercostal muscle? I've had that, it went "pop" while I was riding.
Strain must have been already there, caused by an oversized lad landing on one knee on my sternum while practising judo !
It could be, they're often more painful than a cracked rib. Either way it's bloody painful. How on earth did you do it riding ?


Playing chess with pigeons
17 August 2005
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Liked because it sounds like an achievement managing to injure yourself leaning out of a chair, without the chair even falling over. Don't Like the pain.

Hope everyone's injuries are starting to feel better as soon as possible. {{{{{{Vibes}}}}}}

I know it isn't really an injury, but how is the hole in your back?

And ouch to y'all!


Well-Known Member
3 May 2018
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It could be, they're often more painful than a cracked rib. Either way it's bloody painful. How on earth did you do it riding ?
As far as I remember ('94) I was cantering round the school and just felt it go twang. But definitely it was the judo that did the real damage, the riding was just the last straw.
I remember wincing when getting stuff off shelves for a while, painful but nowhere near as painful as frozen shoulder!


Well-Known Member
30 March 2007
New Forest
I grabbed the collar of one of my Swissies, she took off at speed, my little finger got stuck in her collar, and took the full force of her departure, so finger subluxed. Shouldn't have been a problem, but I developed CRPS in that finger and 2 others.
2 years on, I am only just regaining a small degree of movement in them, with months of intense rehab at the hospital and I will never get back full use or be free of pain. Good job I adore her!?❤


'Do you come here often?'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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Puppy has excelled herself. Leapt up from below, connected hard with my chin/jaw, I have bitten both sides of my tongue with back molars. Nothing like picking bits of your own flesh out of your teeth. Easter dinner tomorrow may need to be pureed. FML.


Well-Known Member
23 November 2019
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Hope you heal up quickly cc.
timing isnt something my dogs any good at either - the popular one is her laying on the floor so i take a large stride to step over her huge fluffy body, and in that moment, she realises i could be heading out the door so she quickly gets up and ends up between my legs or where my foot was heading...cue me losing balance and flailing aiming to catapult myself sideways to a soft landing on the sofa - all this palaver in attempts to not step on her!

Of course, she often splays out in the middle of the room so every other person and animal has to circumnavigate around her, despite having a huge bed of her own in the room!

When i was a kid - we had a great dane who would gallop around the large garden to let off steam. We were taught as kids, just stand still and he’ll navigate around you. We would be playing in the garden and suddenly the dog would decide to have a gallop play - so all kids stood like statues as this stooopid dog with long limbs flailing would weave around us kids and be having a merry gallop. For years this was the protocol - worked every time.
Until one day - just like all the others - dog running loopy, kids stood still - he’s galloping in a line towards me, im still stood still and bam - he gallops through me! Full pelt...i was about 5’3” 40kg and he breezed through me - i flipped in the air, landed on the grass, blacked out cold and then came to with other siblings waking me up. That was the only time that ever happened! friggin’ loopy dane...he was gorgeous aside from that!