parsley (thurston show )


Well-Known Member
20 November 2005
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how did you get on at the show today? saw your lorry and the back end of remmy but never had the chance to come and say hello as i was in the main jumping ring holding the jumps up along with various other people! they were falling over faster then the people could put them up! never took ours as my lorry is off the road at the mo and got to the yard today and ots had pulled a shoe off anyway !


Well-Known Member
23 August 2005
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We had a really nice time thanks. I took my son around the lead rein jumping but sadly I am not up to doing a round of 8 jumps at a trot while urging on a pony and issuing instruction to the rider - I thought I would probably have a heart attack there and then and refused to run anymore by the time I had done number 7.

A girl has ridden Remmy a couple of times and she took him in the M&M, I did the in-hand, my son took him in the first ridden and then we headed for the gymkanaha - FARRRR to exciting for him, although my 4 year old was still keen to go so I dragged her away home.

Did Otto go in anything?