Partial cruciate tear


Well-Known Member
20 November 2006
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Glad she's come through the op well, wonder if she is saving the howling for when she gets back to you?:p
I was going to suggest similar to Pix, try re putting down compost or soil. Does she scent mark after Ricoh, you could perhaps try putting some shavings down where he goes and scooping it up and bringing it home (the things we do for our dogs).


20 March 2007
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I wouldn't mind a bit of howling at the moment, it's eerily quiet in the house!

Thankfully it all seems to be thawing out today, a load of snow and icicles has just slid off the shed roof and scared the bejeezus out of me, sounded like breaking glass. I've managed to dig a nice wide path from the back door out to the green by the back garden door where I've scooped out a nice big grass patch. Ricoh has obligingly cocked his leg all up the wall leading to it so she'll hopefully be inclined to regard it as a toilet. It's where they are taken for their last pees of the night so fingers crossed she will use it as normal.

Just spoken to nurse again, she's off the IV painkillers this morning and they just want to make sure that she can manage on the oral ones before she goes home so I can't pick her up until about 3pm. She's putting some weight on the leg while standing but lifting it to walk at the moment which is as expected. Still no pee (but she's funny about that in new places) and she's had a go at licking her stitches so the Cone of Shame is firmly in place. :eek:


20 March 2007
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Ah, apparently it was a vet I spoke to earlier - just spoken to her again and boy am I glad we usually have our own vet, don't think much to this one. Twice I've been addressed as Mrs Dax, despite correcting her the first time, and despite me using 'her' she continues to refer to 'him'. She's confirmed she's ready to go home now but I can't fetch her until 3 because 'they are very busy'. :rolleyes:

Back to normal surgery and normal vet for her post-op checks thankfully. Can't wait to have her home even though the first few days are going to be hard. :)

ETA: I hope she's holding the right dog for me and there isn't actually a Mrs Dax waiting to collect a dog beginning with F. :p


20 March 2007
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Whilst in the consultation room wearing a normal sized buster collar she managed to lick her wound so has come home in the biggest Cone of Shame I have ever seen. :eek: Consequently she is not my friend, wasn't the slightest bit pleased to see me and is sat in her box in a huff.

Also she has the most evil farts I have ever encountered as a result of three tins of some science diet type wet food. Despite this it is very nice to have her home again. :)


Well-Known Member
27 June 2010
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Oh god no! I've been through those sciencey-plan-wet-food farts! They're evil. I'm convinced it's the vets getting their own back for some unknown lack of discretion on our parts. :D

Glad she's back with you and getting on well (apart from a case of the sulks!) :)


20 March 2007
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Less sulking today - she had the cone off to go out to the loo (sucessfully, no more wee-holding now she's home!) and as she's made no move to lick the wound I've left it off, under careful supervision, and she's much happier as a result. Even a little tail wag this morning. :)

She's bearing quite a lot of weight on the leg, she only lifts it when trying to walk quickly, it's on the floor all the time in the house. Fingers crossed that it all continues to go smoothly.


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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Bless,I bet she's delighted to be home! We had to carpet the floors downstairs for Jake as he was slipping.

It's fab that she's weeing ok. :)


20 March 2007
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Just a little update - she's back to being her normal happy self which is such a relief. :)

She's going out on a lead every four hours or so, is very pleased and waggy to be out and toileting obligingly. If it weren't for the pink shaven drumstick you'd be forgiven for thinking there was nothing wrong with her, she's bearing her weight on it consistently and striding out to the toilet patch and back. The wound looks fab, clean and neat, and the bruising is nearly gone.

I woke up last night to find her guiltily curled up on the end of the bed and ended up dragging a duvet out of the spare room and making a little floor nest for her right alongside our bed. :eek: During the day she's voluntarily choosing to spend a lot of time in her crate, I have never been so thankful for taking the time to crate train her, it's reassuring to know she will settle herself in there for long snoozes.

Today would have been her first big KC agility show - I'm gutted but there's no reason we can see yet that she won't be there next year.