Past posts have gotten me thinking!


Well-Known Member
16 March 2006
I agree that strong bits and spurs in inexperienced hands are a bad combination. However in the hands of an experienced person who knows their horse then why not.

I'm lucky enough that my current horse can go hunting, X country etc in a snaffle without a martingale or anything.

My last horse however was a different story. He was an ex-racehorse who 90% of the time was nice and responsive and I could keep him under control. However in company of any kind if going faster than a walk I would HAVE to ride in three ring gag with two reins on top and bottom holes. If he suddenly switched into race mode then there was no stopping him in anything else. It was trained into him and although re-schooling was effective if he remained calm, I wouldn't have been able to take him across country as he could, at any time just b****r off. That would have been a crime cos he was a x country machine. Would jump anything and soo brave. (maybe too brave)

I never wore spurs though. That would have been suicide!!!

I suppose I'm trying to say that each horse is an individual and should be treated as such.


Well-Known Member
1 March 2006
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It's funny I was terrified of the crank/flash combo that came on my comfort bridle after reading lots of stuff on here - Sid is in a french link - tbh we don't need anything stronger (yet) may up the anti if we go hunting BUT the moral of the story is I had both parts of noseband really loose in lesson last night - trying to get grumpy trousers working for me, he pretends he's knackered and isn't capable so your leg feels like it's about to fall off, as did my hands as it was freezing - instructor calls me in, tightens up the noseband about two holes, out we go - PING! he finally says - ah, she means business and really starts working well.....

I have been tempted by spurs but know full well I'm not ready for them even if they would help so until then will stick to what we know!