I used to be on a yard where he used to do a few, not heard of him for a while though, I seem to remember he used to go to the US every year in the summer to shoe/pair feet.
Hello OP, I'm Paul's wife so I'm obviously biased, but I do think he's fab he doesn't always answer his phone, especially if he's driving or in the middle of shoeing or trimming, but if you text him he'll ring you back. Freel free to PM me for his number or if you want to ask any questions.
Hope this helps.
Haha I spoke to him this morning actually. A lady on my yard already uses him and loads of people have said fantastic things of him and have used him when lived in this area. I've text him all her details and he's gonna ring me tonight. )
Not sure, sorry !
But had him out last week, he's awesome! Highly highly recommend him especially since he did a fantastic trim on my old lamintic lady and she was not sore at all, even walking better after he did his trim.