As excited as Kitty about to be a bridesmaid
There is..... but sadly the choice on mini matchy is not so good prize for anyone who finds mini matchy in cool colours
Okay matchy fans, disaster.... turns out my babies are too little for the large saddle cloths, which means........more shopping!!!
Shame there isn't such a good choice in small/med tho :rolleyes3:
There is..... but sadly the choice on mini matchy is not so good prize for anyone who finds mini matchy in cool colours
Okay, I weakened and have ordered a Burnt Copper dressage pad.......AND.......a set of turquoise tendon and fetlock boots **looks sheepish**
well I don’t know what’s wrong with me.... having posted recently about the number of saddle cloths I owned I then had a massive clear out at a tack sale. I have since bought a couple of new Le Mieux pads... but somewhere along the line something has gone wrong, I bought white, black, and grey ! I’m not sure why but my lust for bright colours seems to have gone ?! I was lusting after the Teal, like, forever!! I’m even thinking of toning down my XC colours to a plain white pad and just a coloured silk and top. I love the Le Mieux tweed colours, shame they only come in dressage cut.
I use the Le Mieux large dressage and CC on my 15.1 connie x. He's very compact and has a 17" saddle and they fit fine. In fact, the M (cob) would be a bit on the small side.
Sorry I mean the boots
I manage an L GP on my 14.1hh too, love that they fit because not all colours come in M
I saw some woof wear boots today with teal coloured tabs LibbyL
Heart skipped a beat or twelve earlier when I spotted a burnt orange saddle cloth, in medium......but is was a dressage pad. Gah. Babies a long way off dressage.
Deltaflyer they have really short backs so only take 16 1/2 saddles so the large is way to long. It's ok on gingerface who is 1.5" bigger than babies and takes a 17" saddle. Damn midget ponies :mad3:
Good point DF, I was talking to the guy and Burghley wingeing that they needed to bring out teal ears and he said the same, had so many requests that they were bringing them out
Midget Matchy Lovers Unite!
Yep, I have have the choice of turquoise and fuchsia. I got over excited last night and put a full set of both plus teal and peacock ears in basket on horse health website.......they came to nearly 200 quid so I bottled it! Am so ashamed
Ooooo yes it would!
Pictures so u can help.with could decision
One the bay on the left not the shetland (who is mine too, boy we were popular in the show ring that day )
https://www.dropbox.com/s/06kd907t7bhc1g0/2015-08-16 10.06.50.jpg?dl=0
Little boy
Gutted turquoise ears are definitely too small on my 14.1hh, literally can't believe she would be a large so think I will have to give up on the matching fly veils
Anybody want a turquoise medium fly veil?!
I think a forest green looks gorgeous on bays. Saw a bay once with this colour on and he looked so handsome.
I’ll buck the trend and say brown and grey actually look really good on a black horse
Just found this thread after ordering two CC Le Mieux saddlecloths for my boy, as my super-forward custom jumping saddle should be here soon! I bought him Benetton Blue and Mustard, so excited for them to arrive. He's going to look very smart
All I want to do is buy more, I am not exaggerating when I say I want ALL of the colours. I think my next purchases might be the Berry and also a Beige...but then the Teal/turquoise colours are lovely...! I know where all of my money is going to go from now on