Peaky chicken


Well-Known Member
27 October 2014
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it's egg peritonitis.

well done OP, hope she continues to make good progress!

Thank you, me too. I will report back next week after we have taken her back to the vets. Actually I know you're really great with chickens so would you mind if I asked you another question please ???

I have 3 x 16 week old Araucanas (they are nearly the same size as the others now). I kept them in separate run (next to main run) for 3 weeks and then put them in with the other 4 girls. I provided perches so they could escape if the others picked on them. Now - they hardly come off the perches... I don't want them to stay up there all the time, poor things. Any ideas ?? One of them is much braver than the other two and does have a run around sometimes..... The last lady I integrated was like this for a while too, but these are taking longer. Thank you MotherOfChickens. PS. they all roost together in the same house now.


3 May 2007
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As long as they are getting food and not being pecked I wouldnt worry-maybe provide two different feeders and drinkers if you've not already? I've three growers I've turfed out with the older hens and despite being left alone they still stay with each other and are fairly timid around the older lot-they'll be fine (although mine free range).

I've only experience with rumpless araucana and afraid I got rid, after two years they still got hysterical whenever they saw me and I just couldnt be doing with it. I dont expect mine to be tame as such but can't be doing with needlessly flighty birds. Hope you do well with yours!


Well-Known Member
27 October 2014
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Hi Motherof Chickens

Thank you for your help (yet again) yes we have two feeders and drinkers. I can now stroke all three araucanas - although one is braver than the others.

Sadly though, my Isabella passed away today. We have been feeding her antibiotics twice per day for 10 days and she was due a check up tomorrow morning at the avian specialist. She seemed so much better and more perky - but on Friday had a bad day, but perked up again on Saturday. She ate well yesterday but when my husband got home from work today, sadly she had died. I am at my desk crying. She was such a sweet girl and cured my husband's phobia of chickens. RIP my best chicken Isabella. I love you girl...


Well-Known Member
1 May 2007
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So sorry - hens have a way of endearing themselves to you, especially rescued Warrens IMO.
I had a lavender araucuna turn up in my garden some time ago (my hens are at the yard 400 mtrs away). She spend a couple of days eating the wild bird food and then disappeared just as mysteriously, no idea where she came from or went. I'd have liked to catch her and take her to join the others.