Pedal bone rotation and worse - what does it look like?


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2 August 2004
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Does anyone have a picture, or links to pictures on welfare or veterinary sites, as to what you are looking for in changes to the sole of a foot if the pedal bones have rotated and are dropping through.

Given I've always watched mine like a hawk with possible lammi to prevent it - I need to know what it looks like untreated - how the foot changed and what to look for.

If I described a pony's two front feet (not mine I'll add!) as being very short and upright - very upright heel angle too and heel not much shorter than the toe if at all - and a separation between the hoof wall and sole around the toe area - is that it?

So hard to describe - if you put your fingers into the toe and scraped the sole back but tucked it under so there was a gap forming and the bit you'd curled under was then convex rather than concave (rather than peeling it outwards).

Sorry if its cryptic and not well explained, I want to know if what I've seen is what I think it is but not found any pics that really show it.


Well-Known Member
14 July 2008
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A friends pony was oozzing fluid from the white line - the vet said fluid from within the foot getting pushed out with the pressure.