Pelvic tilt/rotation (in rider)


Well-Known Member
26 July 2006
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Well I've been in agony since saturday, went to see the osteo yesterday and my pelivis has tilted (one hip higher than the other) and I think my riding has done it..
Does this sound like a reasonable reason for it happening?
I've been riding in uneven (stretched) leathers for a while (become very obviously uneven when saddle was flocked to sit evenly on horses back) and Ive just had to get used to them.
I finally gave in to get myself some new ones last thursday and this is where I became to really struggle and be in de-habilitating pain. I've felt like the stirrups were very uneven (they arent) and been trying to stretch to make them feel even.
The osteopath said that the lengths of my legs were different before manipulation and even afterwards, so they seemed to have buggered at some point.
Sorry for the very long and rambling post, I just needed to try explain it to some horsey folk!
Anyone think it is possibe that I've just fixed my body so that I can cope with being uneven? Also - do you think it may have had some effect on my poor beastie's back (cause it looks like it!)
Thanks in advance!


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29 November 2006
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Maybe your riding has exacerbated a problem that was already there. Hopefully you can get it sorted out. Do you have lessons as if not it would be a good idea as it maybe that you are weaker one side and collapse through your hip making you feel uneven. I think this would be likely if you have a problem already. Most people collapse through one side to a degree but it helps if you are aware and have an instructor nagging at you!!!!
Speaking from experience!!


Well-Known Member
26 July 2006
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Yeah I think so too, been planning on getting lessons soon, just been trying to get beastie fit!
Feels like I'm talking 2 steps foreward and 3 steps back


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8 May 2007
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i have scoliosis and a twist in my spine(not severe) I get alot of pain and I have to avoid sitting trot at all costs and sometimes too much canter work. Over the past two years I have managed to guage which horses have a way of moving/gait that will cause me discomfort. I can't ride anything with a big rolling gait(that resembles a camel) or anything short and choppy. I am just lucky that my boy is an armchair in all paces with very little of his movement coming through the saddle to me.
the worst of this I am only 27 and have already had to give up being a full time groom and go part time and only ride paticular horses.
I hope you get sorted out.


Well-Known Member
26 July 2006
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Maybe thats something else I should have added - I had a minor curvature a few years ago, it seemed to have been sorted out with manipulation.
Unfortunately my horse is a bit like a camel
I hope I'll get used to it


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1 December 2007
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I have an ongoing problem with my pelvis tilting, not helped by a crashing fall on a road

Luckily i have a fab mctimoney friend who regularly puts me back together. Also my instructor has helped me enormously with making sure i ride straight.


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14 August 2007
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I have had the same problem Mardigras. I have sacro-iliac problems and last time I was really bad and needed a lot of physio my left leg was an inch and a half shorter than my right one. After a few weeks of treatment it was a lot better but I am slowly returning to my crooked position again so I need some more physio to straighten me out.

My problem was not caused by riding and I am not sure if riding makes it worse or not to be honest. The physio I used to see told me to give up riding but my current one says it is fine, especially now I've got a much smaller horse and I'm not straining my back gettting on like I was with my 16.3 hh.

I hope that your osteopath can get you fixed again soon.


Well-Known Member
14 May 2007
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Hi I think riding has exacerbated it.

I have a problem with a rotated pelvis - going back to a childhood injury. I have to go to the chiropractor regularly to be manipulated back into a more 'correct' place.

Basically riding makes the problem a lot worse because it can cause the ligaments that attach to the pelvis to stretch and then it's easy for things to move out of place.

There's not really an easy solution - just regular treatment and things like Pilates if you can find a good instructor. I still sit out to the right - although I do try and be aware of it and consciously make myself straighten up... but my horse has just had his back checked and is fine - so I'm not too worried.

The other thing I was advised to do which does help is try and walk before and after you ride. I.e. don't just get out of your car, tack up and jump on. Walking stabilises everything and can undo some of the damage that riding does.

Hope that makes sense!?


Well-Known Member
17 December 2007
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I'm under going treatment for tilt/rotation atm, I havn't been able to ride for about 2 months. Its sciatica sp? sacro iliac causing the problem, all the muscles are pulling everything back out as fast as it gets put back and I exercise like a mad woman to sort it. I also have a problem with my horse in that he has developed a head wag from side to side which we think is my fault. FAB! Looks great in a test! As soon as I can ride again I have to sort him out. Talk about feeling guilty.


Over the hill and far awa
14 September 2006
West Yorkshire
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Have your tried accupuncture in conjunction with chiro, my mare was out at the poll and my vet does chiro and accupuncture and after one session of chiro and two of accupuncture she was and is so much better, I would recomend it to anyone. My sister has also had accupuncture for her back (which she damaged years ago falling off a mad mare) and finds she can sit much straighter now.

the watcher

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4 November 2004
in a happy place
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I have this, in as much as my left side of my pelvis is further back than the right side, even my seat bones are slightly out of line now. Because this twists all of me from the hip up I have to ride with one rein slightly longer than the other to maintain an even contact.

The discomfort is constant (added to a badly healed broken hip on the right side) and sometimes quite extreme. I have an inversion table which allows me to hang upside down from my ankles which does help a little to pull everything out straight.

I have long since given up riding big moving horses and struggle to sit to a canter.

Try riding a little longer than you have in the past, relaxing the upper leg down and riding long works for me by taking any pressure off the hips


Well-Known Member
26 July 2006
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Thanks everyone, loads of help. Rode for the first time tonight and felt like I was collapsing on the hip which was higher (this is cause horse has started spooking) iding much more upright really helped and I felt so much more level.
I really dont think her striding has really not feeling that great..maybe I need something smaller

Thanks again for al your posts


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6 November 2003
The Sodden Cotswolds
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Something that no one has mentioned but is of the utmost importance...GET YOUR HORSE CHECKED OUT TOO!!! If she is out then it could be her throwing you out. My mare and I throw each other out constantly, it is a nightmare, but luckily my back lady does me too so she can work on us as a pair.

Best of luck sorting it out, I know how you feel