Well-Known Member
Well I've been in agony since saturday, went to see the osteo yesterday and my pelivis has tilted (one hip higher than the other) and I think my riding has done it..
Does this sound like a reasonable reason for it happening?
I've been riding in uneven (stretched) leathers for a while (become very obviously uneven when saddle was flocked to sit evenly on horses back) and Ive just had to get used to them.
I finally gave in to get myself some new ones last thursday and this is where I became to really struggle and be in de-habilitating pain. I've felt like the stirrups were very uneven (they arent) and been trying to stretch to make them feel even.
The osteopath said that the lengths of my legs were different before manipulation and even afterwards, so they seemed to have buggered at some point.
Sorry for the very long and rambling post, I just needed to try explain it to some horsey folk!
Anyone think it is possibe that I've just fixed my body so that I can cope with being uneven? Also - do you think it may have had some effect on my poor beastie's back (cause it looks like it!)
Thanks in advance!
Does this sound like a reasonable reason for it happening?
I've been riding in uneven (stretched) leathers for a while (become very obviously uneven when saddle was flocked to sit evenly on horses back) and Ive just had to get used to them.
I finally gave in to get myself some new ones last thursday and this is where I became to really struggle and be in de-habilitating pain. I've felt like the stirrups were very uneven (they arent) and been trying to stretch to make them feel even.
The osteopath said that the lengths of my legs were different before manipulation and even afterwards, so they seemed to have buggered at some point.
Sorry for the very long and rambling post, I just needed to try explain it to some horsey folk!
Anyone think it is possibe that I've just fixed my body so that I can cope with being uneven? Also - do you think it may have had some effect on my poor beastie's back (cause it looks like it!)
Thanks in advance!