People borrowing your things...


Well-Known Member
11 February 2006
I can't believe that all these posters have had this sort of trouble. Nobody at our yard touches anyone elses stuff without asking. Even at that it would be a fork or brush never ever anything like boots. I have had someone using vet wrap when horse got hurt because they know my first aid kit is stocked, no problem with that and they replaced it. we had one wee woman though who was quite bad for it and actually allowed some of the estate workers to borrow another liverys barrow from the summer field. when the girl went looking for it, the wee woman also went hunting for it and was asking us all if we had or had seen it and made a big thing about it being stolen. It was a complete mystery until the estate worker returned it to the girl and told her that the wee woman had said it was ok to take it. She also put my ponys headcollar on her pony in the field and was quite angry when i asked for it as i needed to get my pony. Thankfully she is gone now and we are back to normal. I lend my things to people quite happily but i know that they will return it in good order. I would never expect anyone to ask for things like tack though


Well-Known Member
18 January 2007
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I haven't yet had to resort to emptying out the contents of my wheelbarrow when someone has used it back into their stable, but I would have no hesitation in doing so! .

I have!!! I have!!! It was the most satisfying experience of my life. And I 'suggested' that someone do the same on another occasion. There is something so satisfying about seeing the contents of your wheelbarrow in a big filthy pile right in the middle of someone's clean, fluffy bed. I did sleep with one eye open for a couple of weeks after I did it, but it was worth it in the end :D


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1 October 2005
New Zealand but from UK
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I hate that so much - I will lend stuff freely if asked so there is no need to take without asking.

Years ago I worked and kept my horse on a big yard my lovely side reins went missing - I saw them several weeks later hanging on another persons peg - I asked for them back and was told they were not my ones - doh! did she think I was stupid - the clips had broken and I'd had them replaced - they didn't match the buckles being brass!. Same person took the girth off my saddle - belonging to the horse I had on lease. I hunted everywhere for it. Found it almost a year later when I got a ride from the girl who was house sitting for her picked me up to take me to work - she had the saddle on the front seat & I saw my girth. The owner had spilt a pot of Stockholm Tar over it and it had left a stain - and there it was. I took it back and took it home. What a fuss was made. Interesting though we had a burglary in the tack room one evening - guess whos stuff was taken - hers! She was one dihonest woman.

Recently I had to have a laugh, my horse was temporarily at a livery place where we had to supply our own wheelbarrow & muck rake. When I left I wasn't able to take Wheel barrow and fork with me. Several months later I went to pick them up - owner says oh they are over there we've not used them - interesting that my wheelbarrow has a flat tyre and my muck rake looks like it's tied itself in knots.

Now I have a place to mysel - nothing moves from where I leave it - it's great.


Well-Known Member
12 March 2010
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I kept mine on a big livery yard, and the main thing was TOOLS. Especially at the weekend, it was like hunt the wheelbarrow! I wouldn't mind so much, if people would put them back where they got them. One livery went through a phase of stealing my soaked sugarbeet, once she used the last of it - did she think I wouldn't notice? - but that was stopped by me putting a strongly worded note in my bucket, telling her to **** off and get her own feed :p I had bits taken off my tack as well (girth, reins, martingale, numnah). I keep everything else in the boot of my car, too many sticky fingers.

The Fuzzy Furry

Living in 🦄 🦄 land
24 November 2010
Ambling amiably around........
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I have!!! I have!!! It was the most satisfying experience of my life. And I 'suggested' that someone do the same on another occasion. There is something so satisfying about seeing the contents of your wheelbarrow in a big filthy pile right in the middle of someone's clean, fluffy bed. I did sleep with one eye open for a couple of weeks after I did it, but it was worth it in the end :D

I also have done this.

One of my liveries a few yrs ago (I am YO) kept on saying she was going to get her own stuff soon after she arrived, but in the mean time, could she borrow mine?

Yeah, no probs I said - except that when I need mucking out stuff, I need it pronto, not in 2 mins or 2 hours...

Once I forgave her on a rushed monday morning whilst wanting to get my (then) 6 done ... while she was doing her 1...

Next time - bellowed 'where's my SODDING barrow' - she said she had 'just started, so would be about half an hour if thats ok?'

NOOOOooooo I bellowed, roared up the yard, tipped out half a barrow of shyte & stomped off with it... am not the happiest at 6am on a winter morning tho....:eek:

I'm still a YO, but dont have any lodgers since the last ones horse broke fencing & smashed the rear of a stable up, repeatedly left the yard in a tip (tools not back, hay 'drizzled' across yard etc) - and then asked me what I was going to do about it all! :mad: Think they got the message when their notice was attached to their door the same day.....

I'm only got myself or the amnesia fairies ;) to blame these days for lost items (or proper thieves!:eek:)


Well-Known Member
29 July 2010
North West, England
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ok a sneaky trick to play about fly spray de-tangler, use an old bottle only works if white, put in some garlic oil and water and if you are really bad a bit of purple spray......................then go hunting for the garlic purple one.

Great idea :)

I don't mind people borrowing stuff as long as it is returnable and returned!!! I have been known to have full diva fit over my stuff being used without permission so generally it doesn't happen now.

If I have ever borrowed something it is returned cleaned; and by the lenders words often in better condition then when I took it, and whole!


Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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I have always said that anyone can use my stuff so long as it goes back safely in the same place.

However, I got the right hump at the beginning of the summer (yard I have now left!!) when I borrowed a lightweight feed bucket to feed my horse in the field - I only possessed heavy rubber ones and the field is a good 15 min walk.

I got told by another lady that the bucket owner was upset that I had borrowed the bucket (scrubbed and returned) and could I not do it again. I pointed out to her that I wouldn't be turning bucket owner's pony out then ever again for her!

Felt sorry for the poor thing as it wasn't going out until gone 10am and mine were going out at 6am - it was weaving and box walking and getting itself into a terrible state so I took it upon myself (they were delighted by arrangement) to turn the poor thing out for them.

I only borrowed it a couple of times until I had a chance to visit a tack shop and buy my own!

Other than that - certainly no borrowing or thieving from me!

Oh god, just remembered another one - a different person from same yard asked and borrowed by passoa - middle of winter, I work full time and it is therefore pitch black by the time I get up stables - got text message telling me that if I wanted it back it was in such and such a corner and I could come and get it! I asked them to put it back. Fast forward several months and my 4yo daughter borrows a dandy brush (because it was pink) from the same lady - I get very snidey 'I'm having to wash it' comments - told her that I had not managed to wash her horse's crap off my passoa yet! Bloody cheek!
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Well-Known Member
22 November 2006
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When I had a horse on loan i bought new headcollar/boots/reflectives and feed etc for said horse.
Another girl started loaning the other horse on the yard (only 2 of us) so I knew exactly who it was who used all of my lickets, treats, feed, broke my whip, ripped my bandages, ruined my boots and thieved my lovely fluffy saddle cloth (which was by no means cheap) when she was asked to leave!
I wouldn't have minded if she'd replaced it all, but nope. When you're a student earning £40 a week, and spending £38 a week on a horse, saving up for nice stuff takes a long time. Really upset me at the time.


Well-Known Member
30 August 2008
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I have!!! I have!!! It was the most satisfying experience of my life. And I 'suggested' that someone do the same on another occasion. There is something so satisfying about seeing the contents of your wheelbarrow in a big filthy pile right in the middle of someone's clean, fluffy bed. I did sleep with one eye open for a couple of weeks after I did it, but it was worth it in the end :D

LOL, hats off to you, well done!!
Oz :)


Well-Known Member
28 February 2010
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I have always had the attitude that people can borrow as long as they put it back as they found it. If you run out of feed and need a couple of scoops, fine, just put it back when you have gone and got your own. This has always worked well with many friends - we share our stuff but always make sure you replace or refill as soon as possible

UP TIL NOW: wheelbarrow always being 'borrowed' so daughter now leaves it full - that way if they want to 'borrow it' they have to empty it - funnily enough it doesn't get 'borrowed' anymore. New brush 'borrowed' never seen again until found broken in the skip!!
Mucking out fork found 'broken' today - now this must have taken some welly as it's metal. So off to buy another one.

We invested in a large metal 'filing cabinet' secondhand off ebay - everything possible goes in there - all supplements that do not fit are put in the feed bin in marked containers so we know what is in them but no-one else does. We had to do this after a large quantity of Magic mysteriously disappeared.

A long time ago a friend even had her horse 'borrowed' she came to the yard to find the horse missing - major panic, thought he had been stolen - police called - rang everyone we could think of. Floods of tears etc. you can image her upset. Then four hours later - in trundles another livery in her lorry. She had 'borrowed' my friends horse to 'keep hers company' whilst they went to a show. But didn't think she would mind.

I think you can imagine what was said...............


Well-Known Member
30 August 2008
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I have always had the attitude that people can borrow as long as they put it back as they found it. If you run out of feed and need a couple of scoops, fine, just put it back when you have gone and got your own. This has always worked well with many friends - we share our stuff but always make sure you replace or refill as soon as possible

UP TIL NOW: wheelbarrow always being 'borrowed' so daughter now leaves it full - that way if they want to 'borrow it' they have to empty it - funnily enough it doesn't get 'borrowed' anymore. New brush 'borrowed' never seen again until found broken in the skip!!
Mucking out fork found 'broken' today - now this must have taken some welly as it's metal. So off to buy another one.

We invested in a large metal 'filing cabinet' secondhand off ebay - everything possible goes in there - all supplements that do not fit are put in the feed bin in marked containers so we know what is in them but no-one else does. We had to do this after a large quantity of Magic mysteriously disappeared.

A long time ago a friend even had her horse 'borrowed' she came to the yard to find the horse missing - major panic, thought he had been stolen - police called - rang everyone we could think of. Floods of tears etc. you can image her upset. Then four hours later - in trundles another livery in her lorry. She had 'borrowed' my friends horse to 'keep hers company' whilst they went to a show. But didn't think she would mind.

I think you can imagine what was said...............

Good grief, I think FIST to MOUTH comes to mind if that happened to me!


Well-Known Member
22 September 2007
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I am very lucky that there are only two of us at our yard. We each ask if we can borrow things. If other person is not there we 'confess' on next meeting. I am talking about things like stable brush, as mine is better, or her hoof brush which is better, nothing of any cost, which neither of us would do unless a real emergency.
