People who have broken things...


Well-Known Member
30 November 2005
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Broke my ribs about two years since and was determined to be on as soon as possible. I was told not to do anything for the first week, but it was mid season, so I was out every day lunging pony whilst mum was at work, unaware. I started riding two weeks after injury after being told to take a month out, hasnt done me any harm

Bust my ankle a few years back when pony slipped and landed on me xc, but I was young enough then not to care, and was riding in a few days.
Was very stubborn at opening meet two years ago when I had my knee crushed, ligament damage, but I refused to have a month off for it to still isnt right....
Landed on my head in feb this year and was told to have two weeks with no riding, I had one day no riding, teamchased 4 days later...


Well-Known Member
15 October 2004
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Broke my neck (same bone as Christopher Reeves) when I was 14, had a neck brace on, screwed to my scull. I did actually get back on a horse with that on, mad I know. All you kids out there, dont do it, I was young and stupid. I was lucky to be alive as it was and still pushing the barriers. I had a full recovery and was riding again properly quite a few years later as my parents sold my horse and couldnt agree to me riding horses again after they nearly lost me. Then a few years ago I had another nasty fall and had a 2 1/2 inch displacement fracture to my humorous (top of arm) and lost all the use of that arm temperarily, for about 4 weeks. Doctors advised not to ride again but if I must do so to wait at least a 12 month. I was back riding after 8 weeks but my arm was very week and I was worried for well over a year about falling off which made it quite nerve racking riding my young spooky horse. We come on from strength to strength, and I wouldnt swap him for the world.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2006
Up a muddy track
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Daughter Broke both tib and fib low down (now has 2 pins) on 12th Oct 03, did as the consultant ordered (ie no weight bearing at all etc etc), had cast off, sat on my bomb proof mare a few times and was hunting her on the 20th Dec (with a support). But it still now occasionally aches a bit. The fact she healed so quickly I put down to 2 things - she had a mother to treat like a slave for 5 weeks (!!) and that she was only 15 at the time (young bones heal quickly!)


Well-Known Member
11 January 2005
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Nuala, yes mine was a riding accident but it was my own stupid fault. Just tell your children not to jump haylage bales
(even when they have been laid out in a nice line and look oh so jumpable
) My horse tripped and rolled on top of me, the hayalge bale he hit rolled over 4 times and is still there to this day, every time I hack past the line of bales with one out of line I laugh...