People who lie about their riding skills


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23 August 2011
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People ask me what level i work at if i go for a new grooming position.....I say Im not a pretty rider just a practical one, my first job at a dressage yard, the owner shouted, you wont fall off anything my love but you wont won anything either..... I now break in my own horses, still dont compete, only hunt but dont fall off very often, last I fell off was off of a half brother to Totilas cos I took it hunting, he leapt a hedge so high he brought his head back and broke my nose and knocked me out..... i stayed on even out cold until we went to go over the next fence.... apparently lying across a horses neck whilst knocked out isnt the way to stay om over a cornish hedge.

My ex employee (who had said totilas relation) used to tell people i was a sloppy rider who sat like a sack of poop...... so had a lesson with her trainer and she turned to me and said why dont you ride that beautifully normally ??? i replied i like to keep a few tricks up my sleeve, but i also like to enjoy my hacking (which is what i do all the time) my horse doesnt need to piaffe, and do flying changes, he just needs to get me from a to b and back again in one piece. I love watching everyone else compete and will groom for free at shows, but i also like the knowledge that my 3 year old will take the lead out hacking from the 20 year old.

I keep getting told off and told to ride like the rider I can be. I lie about my ability now and say I can canter gallop, jump small jumps and do basic dressage... this way i getthe old plodders hehehehe


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8 January 2009
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I had a neighbour who held herself and her riding ability in such high esteem that she told me she could easily be an Olympic rider. She said the only thing preventing her from qualifying for the Olympics was a lack of money and sponsorship (she never owned a horse and rode at a school once a week). I was newly arrived from the States and knew no one here in the equestrian world. When, ultimately I did see her ride I was unimpressed. Then, I met several people who had known her for years. My original estimation of her riding as pure mediocrity was confirmed. I suppose the only thing I should feel for her is pity.
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Well-Known Member
9 July 2010
I think I sometimes underestimate myself, although I am really NOT a good rider.

I can get some sort of tune out of almost anything, and improve it at least slightly, but it won't always be pretty.

That saying, I am very good at staying on naughty / tricky things, and giving nervous horses confidence. But technically I'm nout special at all lol!


Ah mud, splendid
6 May 2013
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I know what you mean , but my daughter. ( who is 7 ) is cantering on both reins and by no means could be called ' advanced ' !!!

She is not even a novice , I think that comment does a dis service to riding schools !!!

I agree - there are many very basic riding schools, but there are also many with excellent facilities and fantastic instructors, and those riding schools usually have a large adult client base for schooling lessons as well as children.

Also I think jumping is a funny one, because I know lots of people who competed to quite a high level when they were younger but after a few years out they have lost their nerve a little, but still have plenty of knowledge and skill.

And in any case, riding 'skill' is very subjective, and while I meet many people who have an inflated opinion of their skill level t my eyes, I meet just as many who I think do themselves down.


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1 August 2013
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I've been part loaning my mare for a short time and it ended when she said that my mare would never make a dressage horse - she is well schooled, biddable and easy to ride. Said loaner rides in a manner that blocks forward and lateral movement but as she was having lessons at a well respected bhs (exam) yard I thought this would improve. She came out with this after just failing her bhs stage one on the riding...


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26 July 2013
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When on holiday riding/ any new stables, I always let them find out for themselves- I say I can walk trot canter and small jumps, 2foot ish (I can actually jump 2foot6 but I prefer to do small jumps!) but I don't like saying how long I've been riding for, looking at my position it's like I've never ridden before!!! :)
I also say I like the slower horses :) I can only handle them :)


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18 October 2010
West Sussex
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Was chatting to someone the other day who was telling me about their horse that had competed Int BE and the girl had Nov BE it herself, quick check online and neither horse or rider has a record...

Was also selling a very sweet, not going to the olympics but would take someone up the grades, dressage schoolmaster a couple years ago. One lady who sounded perfect on the phone came to try him and was very bizarre. At one point she had her left hand up round by her ear and proceeded to tell me she was trying to get him to soften on that rein?? Credit to the horse he politely pootled about but it was certainly cringe worthy to watch. God help if she went to try anything that was sharp.

Agree on the comment about riding schools. I was in the top junior class at my one when I was 11/12ish. Had a short break and then went horse shopping when I was 14. The horse we settled on was a 4 yr old kick along type though as he got fitter and hit the naughty 5 yr old stage he really made me realize that actually i wasn't as good as I first thought. Taught me a hell of a lot though.


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7 April 2012
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I have to admit that after doing reasonably well on ponies when I was a teen and then coming back to competing last year after I'd had children, I've realised I was never actually taught to 'ride' only to stay on!

(I also realised how important core body strength is and how children ruin you lol)


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6 June 2013
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It's not just riding where parents oversell their kids' abilities... I am friends with the leader of my daughter's Cubs pack, and when they go on an outing that involves water we have to fill in a form stating their swimming ability. I know my daughter's not a strong swimmer so when asked if she can swim 15m in open water I opt for safety and say no, even though she can comfortably swim a 25m length or possibly even 2. That way I know she will be closely supervised while in the water and experienced help will be right nearby in case of difficulty. My friend says that several parents answer Yes to the question when their child can barely swim, for fear that their child won't be allowed to take part. Personally I'd prefer to err on the side of caution with anything that could place my DD in harm's way. Water activities can be dangerous so there's no way I'm overstating her ability. In the same way horse riding can be dangerous. If she was ever to go ride at a riding centre or trekking centre I would also understate her experience to reduce any risk on a strange pony.


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30 November 2005
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The thing is I think for a lot of people riding is about dreams.
Then there's the people who think it can't be that hard its just sitting there ,those are the ones who go to trekking centres and riding holidays and wildly over sell their ability.
Parents often overestimate their children's talents in many fields.
Just cut everybody some slack and worry about your own abilities .

I agree with this.

The equine world seems to be one where there is complete disparity on almost every level, be it how riding schools label "levels" of riding ability, the price of feed or the personalities of people.

I am not bothered about anyone's level of riding, how much it is wildly exagerated or whether they say they have a top notch eventer when in fact they have a My Little Pony in their bedroom, as long as they're not expecting to interfere with me and mine.


Well-Known Member
9 August 2011
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The thing is I think for a lot of people riding is about dreams.
Then there's the people who think it can't be that hard its just sitting there ,those are the ones who go to trekking centres and riding holidays and wildly over sell their ability.
Parents often overestimate their children's talents in many fields.
Just cut everybody some slack and worry about your own abilities .

I don't really care who says what about what they can do. I don't really have those sorts of conversations with people.

I suppose if someone was coming for a job or to share your horse etc there might be a danger in them exaggerating their skills, but surely you'd suss them out by simply asking them to ride?


Well-Known Member
9 August 2011
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I am not bothered about anyone's level of riding, how much it is wildly exagerated or whether they say they have a top notch eventer when in fact they have a My Little Pony in their bedroom, as long as they're not expecting to interfere with me and mine.

Exactly. :)


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13 April 2013
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I also find that people think they are an 'advanced' rider when they have a forward, push button horse that most riders could get a tune out of. get on a lazy, stubborn horse- or a nutcase and they dont look so advance!!


Well-Known Member
30 November 2005
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I also find that people think they are an 'advanced' rider when they have a forward, push button horse that most riders could get a tune out of. get on a lazy, stubborn horse- or a nutcase and they dont look so advance!!

But how do you know they can't? I spent my teenage years being faceplanted by neurotic horses and sustaining injuries because I was happy to jump on nutcases and sort them out. Now I am a lot happier to sit on a relatively push button ride and I don't feel the need to prove my riding abilities daily by riding something unhinged - I hope people don't look at me and think like you do, that would be quite narrow minded.


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4 November 2010
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I am not bothered about anyone's level of riding, how much it is wildly exagerated or whether they say they have a top notch eventer when in fact they have a My Little Pony in their bedroom, as long as they're not expecting to interfere with me and mine.

I quite fancy taking a my little pony round Badminton... Could be rather amusing :D


Well-Known Member
1 August 2013
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I also find that people think they are an 'advanced' rider when they have a forward, push button horse that most riders could get a tune out of. get on a lazy, stubborn horse- or a nutcase and they dont look so advance!!

See the problem is that I have one of those very horses - until you put someone else on it... Just because it looks push button doesn't mean it is ;)


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3 January 2008
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I also find that people think they are an 'advanced' rider when they have a forward, push button horse that most riders could get a tune out of. get on a lazy, stubborn horse- or a nutcase and they dont look so advance!!

Maybe it is because they have had the nutcase horse in the past that they have the 'push button' horse now. Doesn't make them any less of a rider ;)


Well-Known Member
30 November 2005
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I quite fancy taking a my little pony round Badminton... Could be rather amusing :D

You could be one of those people that goes in their full riding gear - wear your breeches, your hat and your boots and walk around with your My Little Pony and a badge that says "Just in case I haven't made it clear enough - I HAVE HORSES" ;)


Well-Known Member
7 July 2010
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see it on here ALL the time.....the thing is , you cant hide a BD record so why people do it i dont know!

"came 1st and 2nd in the mediums at the weekend" (with 55%)
"won both his classes" (you were the only one in it)
"schooling PSG" (puts up a vid and it cant even do a single clean flying change)

best one was someone who banged on and on about how her classical german training was better than anyone in the UK, how shows in Germany were scored 10% lower than in the UK so her 61/62% were really 71/72%.....................then moved to the UK, never broke the 64% barrier and ended up paying someone else to ride her youngster because she couldnt sit one side of it, with it being classically simultaneously behind the leg and pulling her arms out!


I know someone like this . . . comes back from a competition saying she came second, but neglects to tell us that it was out of two . . . scared to ride her (cart)horse unless it's doped up to the eyeballs on calmer . . . horse horrendously dead to the leg and stuffy but is apparently "hot." Affiliated results are easy to look up - why be economical with the truth?



Well-Known Member
4 November 2010
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You could be one of those people that goes in their full riding gear - wear your breeches, your hat and your boots and walk around with your My Little Pony and a badge that says "Just in case I haven't made it clear enough - I HAVE HORSES" ;)

Oh that is totes me - 'cept I want a badge saying "event horses" because I wouldn't want folk to think I might have common muck like cobs :eek:

You'll hear me coming by the clink of my spurs on the ground and the swoosh of my whip through the air :p


Well-Known Member
19 October 2011
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I thought I was a decent rider when I left riding school, and then I decided I would get my own horse on loan and thats when I quickly realised that I wasnt as great as I thought!

But then I decided to get my friend whos and equine lecturer at Myerscough to give me a few lessons on my new steed.... I learnt more in the 10 or so lessons that I had with her than I did throughout my whole riding in a riding school!

I was doing lots of flat work working up to do a novie dressage test (never did do this as poor alf died) but after lots of hard work etc I did 4 ridden shows :) got a 1st in the novice aswell (thinking it was for novice riders haha) and then I started learning how to jump, got up to about 2 foot I was well proud of myself.

I dunno what Id class myself as perhaps abit above a novice.... Im sure if you have the right horse, you can do anything :) like i did :)

Also now im looking to do working hunter with my youngster when hes older... so need to learn to jump better haha!!

my friend at the yard once told us she could do eventing dressange show jumping... went out and bought the most laid back section d I have ever come across... I decided Id take them cantering through the woods.... she didnt dare do it and I pointed out 'I dont go to the bottom of the woods to walk back up to the top' so set off on a steady canter... her horse followed.. needless to say she never came out on a hack again... serves her right!!!


Well-Known Member
7 July 2010
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my friend at the yard once told us she could do eventing dressange show jumping... went out and bought the most laid back section d I have ever come across... I decided Id take them cantering through the woods.... she didnt dare do it and I pointed out 'I dont go to the bottom of the woods to walk back up to the top' so set off on a steady canter... her horse followed.. needless to say she never came out on a hack again... serves her right!!!

Perhaps she had lost her nerve? Happens to the best of us . . . best not to sneer or put someone in an uncomfortable position - that might just be you one day.



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28 September 2009
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I'm rubbish! Really I am!

I went to a pretty good riding school, where advanced lessons are BHS stage 3 level. I feel alot of RS lie to clients to inflate their ego & keep them paying. We all like to hear how good we/ our kids are don't we really? If people go to only one RS, they have no benchmark to compare the standards to, so can be easily mislead.

I don't like being dumped these days, I don't bounce so well, but I can't ride cobs (own arabs). The number of women I've met over the years sitting around yards telling you what level they do dressage / stressage/ classical at, or how they've jumped over 5' is unreal. Do they really think you believe a word they utter? There's a lady I know currently. Very sweet, 70 yrs old & unable to ride due to health. Her last horse carried her round endurance tracks, she couldn't even sit straight in the saddle (sometimes fell off due to lean). Thankfully she only weighs 6 stone on a heavy day so the horses coped. I just switch off when she tells me how well she rode eventers, did eventing, dressage etc. Really? I know your last horse was trained for you, you never even schooled him. Jumped huge fences? Can't even maintain position in saddle. Yet she goes on about how keen people in country she's emmigrating to are to have her to help teach the pony club as they are so backward over there (major eventing nation) & need her knowledge etc. She's a nice lady but I can't stand the rubbish.


Well-Known Member
25 May 2011
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Maybe it is because they have had the nutcase horse in the past that they have the 'push button' horse now. Doesn't make them any less of a rider ;)

^^This, in spades. This thread is getting a bit mean really. Sometimes all people have are the tiny victories that seem rubbish/meaningless to others. Second out of two - hey, at least they took part! They tried and yeah, they are allowed to be proud, so ner!

<cranky, as have just had a molar extracted, with no sedation, my nose is itchy but can't feel when I scratch it, my mouth hurts, and my eyelid is now numb!>