Well-Known Member
I have a 6yr old TB who has never hunted but I think it would do him a lot of good.
The problem is, I was throughly put off hunting by a horse that bolted when I was 16 and I would be worried to take my horse as I wouldn't want to be nervous and cling on to him (typical TB best to have a relaxed rider who let's him get on with it).
Are there people who would teach other peoples horses to hunt? My TB is a competition horse and he would be doing BD over the winter as well so I wouldn't want him going out for more than a couple of hours and to meets where the ground is not good.
I thought I'd ask now as I'm assuming he should be taken cubbing first to see if he has the brain for it.
He's not a fizzy horse but he can be sharp in warm ups and out hacking so I think it would really help give him confidence. He's an amazing, bold, clever jumper already, he's flown clear round his first event and he's snaffle mouthed. He will also stand at the meet (I've taken him to a meet) and he's excellent with dogs and won't kick out at anything.
Im in two minds about it. We are based on the Surrey/Hants/west Sussex border.
The problem is, I was throughly put off hunting by a horse that bolted when I was 16 and I would be worried to take my horse as I wouldn't want to be nervous and cling on to him (typical TB best to have a relaxed rider who let's him get on with it).
Are there people who would teach other peoples horses to hunt? My TB is a competition horse and he would be doing BD over the winter as well so I wouldn't want him going out for more than a couple of hours and to meets where the ground is not good.
I thought I'd ask now as I'm assuming he should be taken cubbing first to see if he has the brain for it.
He's not a fizzy horse but he can be sharp in warm ups and out hacking so I think it would really help give him confidence. He's an amazing, bold, clever jumper already, he's flown clear round his first event and he's snaffle mouthed. He will also stand at the meet (I've taken him to a meet) and he's excellent with dogs and won't kick out at anything.
Im in two minds about it. We are based on the Surrey/Hants/west Sussex border.