People who teach horses to hunt?


Well-Known Member
8 May 2008
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I have a 6yr old TB who has never hunted but I think it would do him a lot of good.

The problem is, I was throughly put off hunting by a horse that bolted when I was 16 and I would be worried to take my horse as I wouldn't want to be nervous and cling on to him (typical TB best to have a relaxed rider who let's him get on with it).

Are there people who would teach other peoples horses to hunt? My TB is a competition horse and he would be doing BD over the winter as well so I wouldn't want him going out for more than a couple of hours and to meets where the ground is not good.

I thought I'd ask now as I'm assuming he should be taken cubbing first to see if he has the brain for it.

He's not a fizzy horse but he can be sharp in warm ups and out hacking so I think it would really help give him confidence. He's an amazing, bold, clever jumper already, he's flown clear round his first event and he's snaffle mouthed. He will also stand at the meet (I've taken him to a meet) and he's excellent with dogs and won't kick out at anything.

Im in two minds about it. We are based on the Surrey/Hants/west Sussex border.



Well-Known Member
15 May 2011
west wales
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i know this reply wont be a lot of help cos i`m based way down in wales but basically yes - if i were you I`d take your youngster out on hound exercise and then cubbing (autumn hunting). the pace tends to be much slower and these are good sessions to start young/novice horses as well as those new to hunting. These days are generally only a couple of hours at a time. you will be fine and there will be people to keep an eye out for you. if you really wat someone to ride your horse for you then get in touch with your hunt secretary - it can usually be arranged. good luck - and have fun.


Well-Known Member
19 December 2005
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Do you know anyone that goes hunting? Ask them to take him. If he's sensible, a full days hunting will not do him any harm, nor will it cause him to be bad at dressage.


Well-Known Member
8 May 2008
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Thanks, no one I know hunts really! I'd also rather someone I'm not personally or emotionally connected too, I.e I would just want to pay a quiet rider who's already a hunt member to do it.
Nope I wouldn't want him out for a full day, a couple of hours would be fine, I don't want to nacker his legs.

Thanks, will probably send some messages to the local hunt secretaries and see if they know of anyone :).


Well-Known Member
19 December 2005
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My TB was fine during a full days hunting - going through mud, plough, trotting down miles of lanes.

Managed to break two legs in his field though!


Well-Known Member
28 February 2008
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Contact your local hunt and they may be able to put you in contact with someone who will be willing to use him for cubbing or take him out for a few hours depending on where they meet, some meets may be more suited for him for the first couple of outings.

Best thing for the time being is him out in some larger hacking groups now, get him used to being split up and going off seperate ways in small groups if you can, or do some sponsored rides where you can ride out in larger groups but keep the pace down a bit.

You offer to pay someone's cap in return for them taking your horse, specially if it's more of a 'test drive' situation.


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9 August 2001
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My OH has his hands full getting our youngsters out and about this year (and based on last year moaning that a few of us make him take them out in a dressage saddle :) ) but I think Fred Ford also provides that kind of service. Also there was a lovely girl who was looking for rides last year who is a tidy jockey and gets to take all sorts out. Can't remember her name but the secretary at the Surrey Union should be able to help.