Pergolide and/or Agnus Castus


Well-Known Member
8 January 2004
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Do any of you with cushings horses currently on Pergolide also use Agnus Castus alongside the Pergolide? My mares ACTH levels are almost down to where they should be and the vet is happy and doesn't feel it necessary to increase the doseage but I wondered if I gave her Agnus Castus as well it may bring them down slightly more?


Well-Known Member
24 August 2006
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Hi Nativepony

My horse has cushings and had a terrible bout of laminitis earlier this year. He was stabled for 5 months in all. He now has special padded shoes on and can go out for a couple of hours a day.

The vet is still coming out each month to test his ACTH levels. We have been slowly increasing the Pergolide. His ACTH levels are still a little high and so he has just had his Pergolide increased to 4.

However, despite the laminitis improving and the ACTH levels dropping we noticed that his coat was still in an awful state. He still had wooly legs and his coat felt horribly rough where he had been clipped in the winter. No shine at all.

We decided to try the Agnus Castus as recommended by the Laminitis Clinic in ADDITION to the Pergolide. Once we had him on the full amount of AC we noticed that his coat improved enourmously. Now, about 6 weeks later, it is fully shed and beautifully glossy.

So, I do believe that the Vitex4Equids has made a huge difference to his well being but I can only assume that it has had little effect on his ACTH levels are the last test showed that they are still slightly raised. However, I will carry on with it, in addition to the Pergolide, as it is so fantastic to see him looking so amazing after all he has been through.

Hope that is some help.

Best wishes


Well-Known Member
12 September 2008
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my old boy has been cushinoid for several years and has been on Pergolide for several years (at least six). I initially pu him on Vitex in addition to the Pergolide, but took him of it again as it didn't seem to make any differnce. His laminitis is controlled well by Pergolide, but his coat is that of a typical Cushings pony. In other words, I don't think you can do any harm by adding Vitex (other then wasting money), but if your vets feels it's not necessary I would stick with Pergolide