Petition for horses


Well-Known Member
29 February 2008


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26 February 2003
SW Scotland
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I have signed because I agree with the principle behind this BUT--why did the petitioner not take advice and post correct information.
Also not being able to resell a horse for 3 months has welfare implications--we know that is to try to stop dealers constantly moving horses around the country.
NEDonline is under test and according to the web site due to be fully launched.
I suspect Downing St will throw the petition out as passports were set up to protect horse meat consumers from 'ingesting medicines' only, we were encouraged to buy passports as it would somehow give our horses increased protection from theft etc
The legislation is coming up for review next year I hope they do tighten up on the 'iffy' PIOs and give Trading Standards the 'weapons' ie the money to turn out at weekend sales to enforce the legislation.


Well-Known Member
16 March 2008
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I have signed because I agree with the principle behind this BUT--why did the petitioner not take advice and post correct information.
Also not being able to resell a horse for 3 months has welfare implications--we know that is to try to stop dealers constantly moving horses around the country.
NEDonline is under test and according to the web site due to be fully launched.
I suspect Downing St will throw the petition out as passports were set up to protect horse meat consumers from 'ingesting medicines' only, we were encouraged to buy passports as it would somehow give our horses increased protection from theft etc
The legislation is coming up for review next year I hope they do tighten up on the 'iffy' PIOs and give Trading Standards the 'weapons' ie the money to turn out at weekend sales to enforce the legislation.

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I started this petition as a horse that I have was taken by someone on loan and sold within hours of leaving home. He was gone for a year in total, although found after a couple of months.
My infomation is correct, if it is not then please tell me where it is not. I understand totally that the 3 month issue will maybe cause some problems with dealers, the honest ones especially. I started this to safeguard horses welfare and to stop the illegal trade in loan horses.
You are right about the p.ports being brought in for the meat issue, BUT, this is not always a safeguard. Only once since they were brought in have I been asked to sign for the horse not to be sold on for consumption.
As of July 2009 all newborns will have to be microchipped and also any horse being issued with a new passport... Will this help? Call me a cynic but I doubt it.
Thanks for signing.


Well-Known Member
15 January 2008
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