I tried both yesterday and today. Put in all the required details and a message came up saying they had sent an e-mail to which I needed to reply. No e-mail arrived.
Tried again today: no e-mail arrived.
Anyone else with same problem?
Mmm..is it another of these things where the government decides that they don't really like people who think for themselves and therefore don't want to listen to us?
I tried both yesterday and today. Put in all the required details and a message came up saying they had sent an e-mail to which I needed to reply. No e-mail arrived.
Tried again today: no e-mail arrived.
Anyone else with same problem?
Maybe it will help, yes, but most probably it'll be as helpful as the hilarious and manic campaign to vote for hunting as an "English icon". I seem to recall you fell well behind morris dancing in the final tally...