

Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
Parisienne Dressage
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So went to Moreton and stayed over Tuesday night. Had the Petplan Novice Open on Tuesday afternoon and the Petplan Elementary Restricted on Wednesday morning.

I was in the last 6 after the break to go in the Novice Open on the tuesday afternoon. Im not sure if anyone here has been to moreton, but its two arenas that run side by side. So for the last six in my section they suddenly started blasting out music from a loud speaker as they were doing dressage to music in the far arena. Not only did it scare the poor horse before me as it made the horse and rider jump out of their skin, but it was across the arenas - we had to ride our tests underneath this speaker which was MEGA loud so the people doing the music in the OTHER arena could hear it. I went into do mine and the music was off for a bit as they were inbetween tests, then just as i was doing my free walk towards the speaker they wacked the music on, well poor little Bloss nearly died bless her. I got her back together tho and finished the test.

We immediately lodged a complaint. You'd think they could wait until our arena had finished. Anyways, i got 65%, could have been a lot higher, and came 7th, so a bit p!ssed off to say the least. Then, to top it off, I missed the prize giving........only FOUR people out of the eight were in the arena.

So wednesday morning got up super early, plaited up, warmed up and she was going really well. Got in arena and i went the wrong bl00dy way - ive NEVER gone wrong ever and im SO angry with myself. Bloss went fantastically and i came out with 64.3% and would've got 65.2% had i not gone wrong

Came 5th overall and wouldve been 3rd, im SO angry with myself

So heres hoping for my last chance at wellington next week.................

(photos will be up next week sometime, as they were taken by Horsepower, and got to wait for them to load them up online


Well-Known Member
7 September 2005
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What a shame, You still did great though considering all the dissruption...I hate when things like that happen and it really compromises the test and it seems like a real over sight by the organisers. Hopefully the complaints will be taken seriously and it will prevent such mistakes from happening in the future. What happened to the people haaving their tests read out for them? Surely they must have had a hard time hearing?

I'm sure you'll do great at Wellington next week though. Do you know when we need to call up for times?


Well-Known Member
11 November 2005
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hard luck and good for you for lodging a complaint as that wasn't fair to any of you last 6.

but nonetheless still some respectable scores, good luck for Wellington, hope it is a bit more successful


Well-Known Member
22 August 2005
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When I did the Petplan Area finals up here a few weeks ago, they intentionally put on stupid 'elevator' music while everyone did their test. It was very annoying.

I had to do my test to the pan pipe version of 'Beauty and the Beast' and my OH went around asking "which one do you think is which?". Very funny!


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
Parisienne Dressage
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thanx guys!!

katiejaye, we phone for times on saturday between 3 and 7 (well its sometime in the afternoon, i think thats right, can't remember off the top of my head!!)
Let me know your time when youve got it!

Kath - hows Corroy doing? x


Well-Known Member
14 February 2005
The Shroom
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Corroy is a Madam-with a capital M. She gone in reverse now, where's my horse gone that would canter on a loose rein behind others? Hmmm. She's feeling a whole lot better, so what a complete waste getting the vet out. I have a show on Sunday too!!


Well-Known Member
22 September 2002
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Moreton used to be one of regulars back in the day when i was doing BD. I never liked it very much. purely because of the set up you describe. I also never found it a very friendly place which, i know, is besides the point!

BTW, when you travelled up to Moreton, what time was it, and did you go along the yeovil/dorch road? I was coming back from Scats on Tues morning, and a pink lorry went past, i nearly flashed and waved like a loon but it didn't seem the right shade!!!


I did a petplan at Beaverahll and had "ride of the valkeries" (not sure of spelling) just what I needed when I was to stop mad thing running off! And our prize giving wasn't announced either. So we all turned up in dribs and drabs - I came 7th too - may be we could start a club!!

May be next year!


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
Parisienne Dressage
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we go on the back road to weymouth from salisbury, round dorchester. But we left the yard at around 12pm and didnt get to moreton until 2:30 as there was loads of traffic due to the dorset steam fair.


Well-Known Member
22 August 2001
Woking, Surrey
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i was 7th in my 1st ever area festival lol!

well done for good scores in a bad situation, just a shame as would be great if you could get to the nationals again.


Well-Known Member
16 December 2005
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brill results depsite the distractions. Best of luck at Wellington

You dont happen to know where I could find the ardingly area festival results do you?


New User
17 September 2006
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Parisienne Girl - A number of our competitors saw your posts and told us what you were saying, and we are not very happy. It is one thing to have a complaint, and it was dealt with by the regional chairman on the spot and subsequently by the organiser. But it's not fair to slate everything including the organisation of the whole event.

It is quite important to be accurate because while you think you are just talking to your mates, you are read by many more, and if you say things that are not quite true, everyone who does not know better will just take what you have said as fact and a small hard working business loses custom - and one day you will understand how important a mistake that can be.

Just some stark facts for you; no other riders complained to the organiser, you have not written to BD (confirmed by BD RDO and your mother), the prize giving was announced - all the prizewinners except those who had already left and those about to compete in another class were there (except, of course, you).

If you had bothered to talk to the organiser, she would have explained in detail why the classes took place as they did. We always listen to constructive criticism - we do not pretend we have got everything right all the time. We have already told the BD RDO that it was not ideal although on the Wednesday (the next day) the music classes did not seem to bother anyone.

We spent a week trying our hardest to deconflict all the various requirements of the festival, judge training (your mother might like to wonder how you are to be judged if judges are not allowed to train) rider times (especially those with multiple entries) while ballotting (BD Requirement), stabling for long distance and two-day competitors etc. It is no mean feat to pull this all together and to then run the event trying as hard as we can to look after all our competitors. You should not be surprised that when your post was brought to our attention, we felt more than a little unhappy.

Perhaps you would like to come and help at one of these events and then you will see how much effort goes into it, mostly from volunteers, so that you can enjoy your sport.

We do enjoy running these and many other events, and what makes it worthwhile is a quick 'thank-you' from competitors at the end of the day, even if things might have gone wrong for them. If you learn nothing else from this post, at least learn to be polite and thank the organisers, judges and helpers for their efforts.

Finally, despite your posts here, it was good to see you return this weekend to compete in the combined training.

Look forward to seeing you here again in the future and we will put this business behind us. Agreed?

Moreton Equestrian Centre


Well-Known Member
10 October 2004
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Moreton Equestrian Centre, I must say that I am unimpressed with your response on an open forum. You are behaving in exactly the manner that you are slating PG girl for. Can I suggest in future that if you do have issues you take it up with the competitor in question offline, much more dignified I think......


Well-Known Member
19 September 2006
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pootler and piaffe should be aware that the original post from PG was edited by H&H to remove parts of the text. The original text, in AN OPEN FORUM deserved a response from Moreton. You should go to PG's 'statement' post and get up t date.

Piaffe - may you get the jackass you so richly deserve


Well-Known Member
21 March 2002
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P-G I suggest you make your apologies to Moreton, in private, and try to remember in the future that the world doesnt revolve around your dressage test.

At any competition you will find folks who have had to work through outside issues, horses spooking in the next arena, children screaming, loose horses and all manner of distractions. At the end of the day all you can do is try and concentrate on your own performance and do your best.

If you have a genuine grievance then go straight to the organisers and discuss it with them. Making inaccurate comments on an open forum like this leads to ill feeling all round.

I think Moreton have left the way wide open for you to eat a bit of humble pie and move on, very generous of them I think.