Phenylbutazone (Bute) getting into the human food chain


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18 June 2010
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The problem J_M is that because of half baked EU regs, to which neither reason or thought have been applied, Kennels are no longer permitted to bury the unused waste. The incineration costs are horrendous, which is why most now rely upon bulk dry feed for hounds.

One interesting point, is it Morrisons? anyway, someone has found traces of Bute in corned beef!! If it come from Argentina, which I suspect that it does, it's highly unlikely that that lot administer pain killers to cattle! They do have a horse or two out there though. ;)


Alec that is a very interesting point and frankly the plot thickens, because I saw the report to which you are referring and it was in fact ASDA.

The can was marked Produce of Brazil, indeed virtually all Corned Beef is labelled as coming from Brazil.

Apart from the Olympics causing Brazil to be our new 'Best Friend'. There is the issue of oil.

Brazil is now the 5th largest producer in OPEC.

What one may say, has this to do with BUTE in horse meat. Well so I am told we are very 'easy' when it comes to imports of just about anything from Brazil. Wishing as I say to be their 'Best Friend'.

Well why not, Brazil has much to offer, the Carnival, the Copacabana Beach and Oil of course.

So how one wonders did contamanated horse meat end up in corned beef from Brazil.

Surely horse meat in the raw state was not shipped to Brazil for processing from the EU perhaps?

We still do not have an extradition treaty with Brazil. No it's not relevant just one of those interesting little vignettes of useless information.
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Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
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Alec that is a very interesting point and frankly the plot thickens, because I saw the report to which you are referring and it was in fact ASDA.

The can was marked Produce of Brazil, indeed virtually all Corned Beef is labelled as coming from Brazil.

Apart from the Olympics causing Brazil to be our new 'Best Friend'. There is the issue of oil.

Brazil is now the 5th largest producer in OPEC.

What one may say, has this to do with BUTE in horse meat. Well so I am told we are very 'easy' when it comes to imports of just about anything from Brazil. Wishing as I say to be their 'Best Friend'.

Well why not, Brazil has much to offer, the Carnival, the Copacabana Beach and Oil of course.

So how one wonders did contamanated horse meat end up in corned beef from Brazil.

Surely horse meat in the raw state was not shipped to Brazil for processing from the EU perhaps?

We still do not have an extradition treaty with Brazil. No it's not relevant just one of those interesting little vignettes of useless information.

Don't worry about a bit of Bute in the meat adds to the flavour!:eek:

Bute found in Asda’s budget corned beef


There was a new twist in the horsemeat scandal yesterday (Wednesday 10 April) when it was announced that bute has been detected in Asda’s budget corned beef.

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has reassured consumers that the levels of horse painkiller phenylbutazone in the Asda Smart Price corned beef are unlikely to cause any harm.

“What we have found in this positive test result is a very low level of [bute]… which is only really just above the limit of detection,” said Andrew Rhodes, director of operations at the FSA.

“This is considerably lower than a therapeutic dose and you would have to consume enormous quantities of meat, way more than anyone could physically consume, to get near.”

Horse carcasses tested positive for traces of bute in February, but this is the first food product revealed to contain the drug.

From Monday 11 February, a new policy has meant that no horsemeat can be released from abattoirs until it has tested free of bute.

The 340g Smart Price tinned corned beef was withdrawn from supermarkets in March after tests showed that it contained horsemeat, but Asda has only recalled the product now that it has been discovered to contain bute.

Asda’s Chosen By You corned beef has also been recalled – it has not tested positive for the drug, but is made in the same factory.

Customers who have bought either product can return it to the supermarket for a refund.

Originally published on 11th April 2013