Piccies, second side saddle hack :) :)


Well-Known Member
24 February 2011
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Aw wow, he looks brilliant!!

I am going for my first side saddle lesson beginning of Jan - I'm VERY excited! Going for a few on a school master and then *hopefully* my ISH will have a go (if I can convince him he wants to!). How easily did your pony take to it? My boy is VERY laid back so I don't think he'll worry too much, I'd like to show one day :) ***far away dreams***

:) Looks great anyway, keep putting updates on!

My pony seems to have taken to it well although I havent done much yet! just plodding about :p He is far from laid back although accepts new things when asked in the right sort of way ;) So you should be fine, if spud can do it any horse can! I think what worries him most (and not much anyway) is not the legs both being on the same side but the fact that I am sitting so much higher on him, so the contact changes etc.
Good luck! I too would love too show but I doubt spud and I would ever be good enough at circles and bends etc ;) :p


Well-Known Member
24 February 2011
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genuine question - cos I know nothing about sidesaddles - though would love to try! But how is it for their backs?


As with any style of riding, if the saddle doesn't fit and the rider is wonky it would be bad, but if the saddle is fitted well and you ride centrally and straight (don't look at my picture as an example!!!!) then all should be fine :)

hope that helps!


Well-Known Member
24 October 2008
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H&H Side saddle meet would be awesome, I'm too far down South though :(
I hack out side saddle too (or I did when I had a ss!), and do all my schooling in fields, agree with SSG re helping seat etc!
Looking forward to seeing some more piccies too! Love your neddie :) I've got spotties too!

On a lighter note, if anyone knows anyone with a 17" m/w ss - PM me!! :D