I think it is acceptable for cildren, teenages, for fun only, for mares and only for colours of horses which suit it. Def not suitable for a gelding unless you are trying to turn him into a puff!
All shades are acceptable, also I ticked other as magenta (bright pink) is nice colour of headcollar/bandages.
The only items which aren't acceptable in pink I think are fly veils and leather work. Leather looks tacky in anything but black/brown IMO.
I think 3 items of pink is the absolute maximum to wear at any one time.
My mare has a pink stephens sheepskin half pad, pink and purple v bandz stuff, some pink and purple rugs, headcollar, pink haynet, buckets, purple brushes LOL.
She is shortly to be replaced by a gelding, and Im wondering if I should keep the pink stephens pad for him!
I love pink and you can never, ever have too much of it. Ever
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NO, NO , NO, NO, NOOOOoooooOOOOoooooOOOoOOOOOoOOOOOooooooooOOoo I won't allow you to be sucked into this one!!! If you are, then I will HAVE to dump you as my stalker!!!!!
No such thing as too much pink...or purple... or teal green... or sky blue.... or aubergine... or mauve... or whatever. Life is much too short NOT to do it up in whatever color or colors you prefer!!!!! I promise your horse will NOT care!