pink powder


Well-Known Member
7 August 2009
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I have a youngster that always seems to be licking and chewing and tooth grinding, he seems to always need to produce saliva, he is fed adlib hay, grazeon and fast fibre
his droppings are soft, he sometimes nibbles them
but he also has a lot of grease build up in his coat despite lots of grooming but he still shines
would pink powder or something similar help him


Well-Known Member
17 August 2008
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Depends on how old he is. Pink Power - and most other vit / min supplements are formulated for fully grown anumals. If he is still growing he might benefit from a different blend.

The grease in his coat could be nothing more than a response to grooming if he is feild kept or has reasonable turn out. The more you groom off the more he produces to try to weatherproof himself. Or he could have the horsey version of adolescent skin.

Licking and chewing could be a submission / join up thing. Nosing at his droppings could be young one curiosity. But that is the one thing that suggests to me at least that he might be seeking something additional.

Perhaps try calling some of the supplement companies and see what they suggest. They'll all try to sell you thier brand - but it might give you some more indication of what he needs.

Crazy Friesian

Well-Known Member
7 April 2008
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From what you have said it sounds like your youngster may have a vit / min imbalance. Is he "licking / chewing", wood, the floor, your skin (if exposed
)? Nibbling / eating droppings is commonly called cophrophagia and can be an indication of an imbalance somewhere.

Pink powder is a pre / probiotic and will only help digestion. You could go down the route of vets / nutritionist etc to diagnose imbalance or you could try one of the feed balancers / supplements.

I am very sceptical re supplements esp in relation to MY pocket!!! However I have found for my youngster (came to me with strangles / lice / malnourishment etc!) that Top Spec Comprehensive worked wonders. Within a few months he looked like a totally different foal. I use it for the old boy (26 years young) too.


Well-Known Member
7 August 2009
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he will be 5 in march and i have have his teeth checked, he licks everything me, skin, clothes, other horse, rugs, wood, he is turned out a little, but is rugged and has a rug in the stable as was clipped.
Iam always suspicious of supplements too as i never know if they will work
Maybe his coat is just an adolescent thing? and i dont need to worry?
he is ridden and driven regularly when the weather allows,
and he is always up for a cuddle

Crazy Friesian

Well-Known Member
7 April 2008
Safely tucked away...
Heavy welsh D? They can get greasy coat. I have used another supplement which seemed to have an effect on my Dartmoor which in the past I "threw the book at"... Winter Glow by "Equus"

Personally I would give a good supplement a chance and see where you go from there. PM me if I can help...