Ample Prosecco
Still wittering on
Hurrah! I am not plaiting for dressage on Saturday or Stafford BE90 on Sunday. So liberating!
Perhaps if the children were required to plait their own ponies ( after all aren't the kids supposed to learning how to do these things through pony club?) the pony club would soon change their minds!!I’m going to chime in with a success story and a bit of a rant!!!
Success first - went out CT today, unplaited, inspired by this thread! Unaffiliated but a decent level at Elementary dressage. We were the only one there without plaits and my heart sank, but it clearly didn’t affect the judge’s marking (hooray!!!)
Now for the rant… I’m taking the kids to a PC ODE tomorrow and a turnout list was emailed around, it specifically says ponies to be plaited . We are taking a Section A and a Section B - boys will be in tweed, it’s not even correct to type to plait!! Plus we are leaving horribly early. I don’t think it’s optional though so I have just turned out two loosely plaited native ponies and hoping that they look vaguely presentable come 6am….
Pic of the Section A because he does look cute…
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Yes absolutely, it’s very much parent elbow grease rather than child powered plaiting, at least with the younger ones (and possibly all the boys…)Perhaps if the children were required to plait their own ponies ( after all aren't the kids supposed to learning how to do these things through pony club?) the pony club would soon change their minds!!
No you can't and so has to be a good example of how the plaiting makes no difference, unless she felt all wild and free with her flowing mane Hope the other phaes were ok?Didn’t plait at BE today. Lottie’s dressage score was awful. She was bouncing around the arena like Tigger going ‘when are we JUMPING’. So I don’t think I can blame her score on not plaiting!!
No you can't and so has to be a good example of how the plaiting makes no difference, unless she felt all wild and free with her flowing mane Hope the other phaes were ok?