Planning our drive to a show on Saturday


Well-Known Member
25 November 2008
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We are taking our yearling to a show on Saturday that is going to take a good 2 hour drive. He has been in the trailer a couple of times with my other horse, about a month ago we did an hour and a half drive to a show in a lorry with another horse but this will be the first drive in the trailer alone and for a long distance. We had a practise run in the trailer last night with him by himself and he was fine, stood fine when the back went up and pulled out of the drive, a bit fidgety when we had to stop for a while to get past a line of parked cars and then go a bit then stop etc, we went round the roundabout at the entrance to the village and went back. I think once we get going and he gets his balance he will be ok come Saturday.

Anyway, do we plan the route doing mostly motor ways or do we find an alternative route? I'm thinking if we do have problems it will be harder to stop or turn around on the motor way but on the other hand at least its all straight lines.

We plan to leave at about 6am to get there for just gone 8 as his first class is at 9 so the traffic should not be to bad that early on a Saturday morning.

What would you do?



Well-Known Member
21 July 2008
West Yorkshire
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Most defiantely motorway route, it is on the smaller roads that they struggle to find their balance. 2 hours isnt that long once you get going.
My lad doesnt move a muscle on the motorway yet on a or b roads he is an absolute nightmare - throwing himself around thinking its time to get off -he particulalry hates roundabouts and i'm a very cautious driver with him on board!