i've been lurking for a bit on here before i posted on anything (think i was waiting for an ex racer topic tho who knows lol) an i've noticed flintus around, mostly remember the abba stuff and the lovely grey horse. i also noticed someone has if its missing an 'n' then its the laptops fault. i have the same thing with my d button, it is picky when it works. hence why i've put 'an' a few times instead of 'and' i just forget cause i hardly use the amn thing <<<< c lol
well unfortuantly we have been! and it hasnt been pretty!! so i wont apologise for sticking up for playboy earlier, she's a great friend of mine and the bullying antics of those 'adults' who advised us youngsters to go in the common room, was well, just disgusting
illeliterate moron
bet that made several of you feel very grown up
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh I fully agree that name calling is very wrong! That is a shame.
I am wondering though. I had a peek at your profile and it states you are 23. Why on earth would anyone call you a youngter or tell you to go to CR at that age? I was a single mother raising a 3 yr old at your age. Are adults supposed to be in the common room???? I may be way off as I never go in there. Maybe "youthful" means under 30, but my thoughts were that it was for under 18.
[/ QUOTE ]
I was too (raising a 3yo). 23 i think is old enough to be allowed into the new lounge!
Flintus and playboy....there is a forum lesson to be learnt here, when people bite and start having a go, just ignore them and understand WHY they have had a go. You will have learnt from a mistake and those having a go would have no-one to have a go at if you don't argue back
Forum ettiquette (sp?) says we don't post the same post in every room, and we don't use capitals (unless it is an emergency) as it's seen as shouting and rude. Oh, and we (try) and use 'normal' speak as opposed to text speak.
Uh huh, it does! Ever thought that my annoyance is caused by having to trawl through crap to find what I want? At the end of the day different people feel differently about different things and having to sift through the same thing over and over again to find normal posts really get's my goat so I apologise for not having the same wonderful, relaxed, happy outlook on things that you do.
sweet, and thanks its my horses racing name but his has a`space between noble and house. i'm going to post sum pics of him once he's put on some muscle and weight. i've only had him since a few days before christmas. best prezzie ever
i have links of pics of him racing i'll try find them (they're saved on faves on the other comp and i'm 2 lazy to go downstairs now i'm tucked up in bed lol)
here he is, he's the chestnut with white face and 4 stockings. this was from the only race he won. out of 8 runs so not bad. but his legs couldn't take the strain. he doesn't look it but he's very placid and going by his old trainer that won't change when he gets fitter (just walking, short trots on roads right now)
i wish i was that thin lol never was even when i rode racers for a living. his ex trainer told me about the site when i bought him. he is stunning but not so much when he crib bites, which is a lot. but its his only fault (so far, being a tb tho who knows)
i will post them and more eventually. talk about being way off the topic now lol sorry all.
Forum ettiquette (sp?) says we don't post the same post in every room, and we don't use capitals (unless it is an emergency) as it's seen as shouting and rude. Oh, and we (try) and use 'normal' speak as opposed to text speak.
First of all we do not own this forum,
2nd everyone is intitled to make a mistake without being "jumped on".
3rd I agree not everyone goes into every forum & the sites that are dedicated to finding horses are not very sucessful, therefore there is nothing wrong with someone trying to get the biggest audience possible.
4th Shame there was not a bit more tolerance on here at times, I find it frustrating when people txt spk, but so what, life is too short, yet some people get their nickers in a right old twist over it.
Maybe it's time some people got off their high horses and learnt how to use the "ignore" button instead of spoiling for a fight.
[/ QUOTE ] But do people really want to have people pressing the 'ignore' button on them? It would mean that any serious requests or questions they have may get overlooked.
What I will say, since lots of people seem to be jumping on the "HHO is nasty" bandwagon......if you dislike everyone so much and you think everyone here is a bitchy so-and-so and filled with undesirable cliques.......... then why do you bother to keep coming back?
[/ QUOTE ]
Wasn't saying it was a horrid place. Just that certain people are cliquey. Your post demonstrates quite well how some users come across as arsey about things.
I come back here because there are far more people i get on with than i dislike.
I agree with Jade. And Magic. And anyone who thinks along the lines - it's everyone's forum. I don't open threads if the subject matter doesn't interest or concern me! Perhaps it's the frosty weather, getting everyone all jumpy.
I have absolutely no idea what went on either
What I will say, since lots of people seem to be jumping on the "HHO is nasty" bandwagon......if you dislike everyone so much and you think everyone here is a bitchy so-and-so and filled with undesirable cliques.......... then why do you bother to keep coming back?
I agree with Kat in that it pushes more interesting topics to the bottom meaning you have to trawl though them all to find what you want.
This is not meant to offend anyone but when you sell horses you have to accept that you may never see them again. They are no longer yours and other people can do what they want with them. Yes its nice to hear how they are getting on but the owners might not want want to hear from you. At the end of the day its their decision.
Your post demonstrates quite well how some users come across as arsey about things.
[/ QUOTE ]
Very confusing that my suggestion that those who don't like it on here are able to visit other horse forums if they dislike it so much, could be seen as "arsey" by you.
Your previous comment, and I quote, wasn't?
there are a good few i'd like to tell to pi*s off
[/ QUOTE ] Very interesting to see what is deemed "arsey" and what is not.
What you are saying Tia is "if you don't like it then you know where to go"
Very stand off ish attitude.
What I said is i'd like to tell some people to P*ss off. But I don't for the sake of keeping the peace and being friendly. Something some forum users do not seem to know how to do.
So, in essence, what you are saying is that taking the two-faced route is favoured by some people on here. Well I don't care for the two-faced approach for the sake of being "friendly"; I prefer the straight up version although I have never felt the slightest inclination to tell anyone on here to "P*ss off"
The point being; if you like here, then great! If you don't, then there are alternatives.
If you choose to take one route with dealing with people's posts that's fine, but if someone takes another route then that's fine too. No-one on here can tell anyone else what to say or how to say it.
I think you guys are all correct with your "clique" comments though .........
Anything i said about cliques wasnt aimed at you personally, between you and me , there are one or to others who are ... shall we say...... slightly cliquey and in charge. dont tell anyone!!!