Playing hunt the b*****k!


Well-Known Member
22 June 2010
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Bradley arrived 15 days ago with two good sized testicles. Both down and ripe for the chop but he was too thin and stressed so we decided to leave him two weeks and chop them today. Had a look yesterday and again two merrily swinging in the breeze. Vet arrives, sedates him and starts scrubbing. Hmmm says she, no right testicle. We'll let the sedative work a bit more and try again. Few mins later still no sign. Vet had a real good rummage and nothing. Not even a trailing edge at the muscle ring. Ok we'll get another pair of hands and put him right out and we should me able to manipulate it down. So two hours, two vets, lots of drugs and one snoring baby horse.......still no right testicle!! Its literally nowhere to be seen! He must have sucked it practically back to his kidneys!!*
Vet says he might drop it tomorrow, next week any time really. If its not down in 6 months it might have got stuck up there and he may need a proper op to retrieve it! Luckily he's still very sweet and manageable and YO is happy for my two to stay in their own little field away from the mixed herd.
So please everyone send b*****k vibes my way!
Plus any experiences of this type of surgery? If it does get that far! Oh and to add that Bradley will be 2 in June.


Well-Known Member
1 December 2011
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Well my 2yr old gelding developed one ball a couple of months ago but we haven't seen,or felt, hide nor hair of the second. Vets checked and nothing,nada, not a sign :( We're giving him till the Autumn and then having going to discuss options, we don't know if he had one removed before he arrived with us. Vet has said to try wafting mares under his nose, not close enough for them to do anything obviously, as this may encourage it to drop. So any b*****k vibes that are going please send some our way too :eek:
Should have said....since he has developed one we have deduced he's not actually a gelding.


Well-Known Member
22 June 2010
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Well he's stabled next to a mare who spent the day making evil faces at him through the bars! Not the most encouraging atmosphere for encouraging a shy nut out of hiding! I really don't want to have to put him through surgery so fingers crossed more time in his box next to grumpy cow will encourage him!