rosie fronfelen
Well-Known Member
what you say regarding where hunts are meeting because the LACS arefollowing the forums.
what you say regarding where hunts are meeting because the LACS arefollowing the forums.
Fiagai - The North Norfolk are meeting on the eighth sandbar to the right of the shipwreck at Wells about 10mins before high tide next Weds
Why the secrecy if you are doing no wrong? It should all be above board and then there would be no need for anybody to watch the hunt. It is this secret squirrel that gives the hunt the reputation it has and it does nobody any favours. If you are hunting legally there should be no problem about advertising meets. To be hones, anybody who is an anti will know exactly where and when you are meeting without looking on HandH forum!
Why the secrecy if you are doing no wrong?
Why the secrecy if you are doing no wrong? It should all be above board and then there would be no need for anybody to watch the hunt. It is this secret squirrel that gives the hunt the reputation it has and it does nobody any favours. If you are hunting legally there should be no problem about advertising meets. To be hones, anybody who is an anti will know exactly where and when you are meeting without looking on HandH forum!
Why the secrecy if you are doing no wrong? It should all be above board and then there would be no need for anybody to watch the hunt. It is this secret squirrel that gives the hunt the reputation it has and it does nobody any favours. If you are hunting legally there should be no problem about advertising meets. To be hones, anybody who is an anti will know exactly where and when you are meeting without looking on HandH forum!
Why the secrecy if you are doing no wrong?
We are meeting on the M5 at the Almondsbury interchange at about 4pm today, any sabs are welcome, please stand in the fast lane and we'll see you there!
Hunts have been subject to so much violent harassment over the years combined with more recent spurious prosecutions that there is a good reason not to give the information out on public forums where any man and his dog can see it. Genuine attendees are invited to contact the relevant hunt secretary for details prior to the day.
It is a well known fact that where meet details have been published on public forums trouble with saboteurs has usually followed. It is an easier tactic than following aimlessly round the countryside in the vague hope of finding a hunt to disrupt. After all one group of saboteurs famously targeted a meet of the blood hounds...
I would pose the alternative question, which is if antis are so proud of what they do - why are they the ones who cover their faces??
....... So, in response to your question, most antis probably cover their face out of fear Of PROSECUTION? but why do hunt staff cover their faces?
it's ok lads according the the hunt sab on the bbc news this morning all the hunts have secret breeding centres for foxes ..... cause we are slaughtering so many there aren't enough left in the countryside
Oh how hilarious!
I witnessed very blatant illegal hunting today. Who should I report it to?
I witnessed very blatant illegal hunting today. Who should I report it to?
OP, if you have no proof (and saying "well I saw it" is NOT proof) you are wasting your time.
So the hunt jumped into a field with the landowners permission, so what? Its your own fault for not bringing your horses in when you knew they would be hunting nearby. Get over it - don't you have anything better to do on Boxing Day than get your knickers in a twist over nothing?
That sort of attitude doesn't help your cause any...