Are we to take it from your words, that you have an opposing cause?
I just want people to behave reasonably and with consideration for others. That's my only cause if I have one
Are we to take it from your words, that you have an opposing cause?
I just want people to behave reasonably and with consideration for others. That's my only cause if I have one
it's ok lads according the the hunt sab on the bbc news this morning all the hunts have secret breeding centres for foxes ..... cause we are slaughtering so many there aren't enough left in the countryside
Oh how hilarious!
Darn, we bin rumbled............funny I was talking to a friend of a gamekeeper recently who had just shot four foxes and was saying he's never seen so many about??????? Kinda contradicts this story a bit and makes the LACS cause seem a bit silly really!
I take it that you have evidence, which hasn't been tampered with, and in photographic form of Hunt Staff in disguise. If you don't, then that really is a stupid comment.
Hunt Staff from which ever pack, have no need to travel in disguise.
....I think if you look on various websites you will see pictures of the Crawley and Horsham with balaclavas on and baseball bats threatening a woman sab with some very colourful and abusive language. I do get fed up with the hunt fraternity claiming they are whiter than white... So, in response to your question, most antis probably cover their face out of fear but why do hunt staff cover their faces?
...Yes I do have photographic evidence and in fact the people involved were prosecuted. You can see it yourselves on various websites and no it has not been tampered with and yes legally I know exactly what I am saying as that is my mode of employment....
Lawyers for the Crawley and Horsham Hunt want Mr Justice King to grant them an injunction against protesters, including the West Sussex Wildlife Protection Group and two of the people it says are the WSWPG's principal activists, Simon and Jaine Wilde, of Bognor Regis.
The hunt, backed by landowners and supported by the Countryside Alliance and the Masters of Foxhounds Association, has brought its case under the Protection From Harassment Act.
Trespass and harassment
Lawyer Tim Lawson-Cruttenden, for the hunt, says its members and supporters have been subjected to trespass and harassment over many months and should now be given the protection of the courts.
He is expected to show Mr Justice King DVD footage of the hunt protesters in action, which he says will help prove his case.