Please help put my mind at ease….


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28 October 2020
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New horse arrived today!! Ever so excited and very obsessed with her already. She’s my first TB which makes me a bit more anxious….

its raining heavily here tonight and she’s arrived without a rain sheet like (I had paid to have her rain sheet sent with her) and the one I’ve ordered arrives tomorrow.
She’s currently in a paddock with an open shelter to get out of the rain but she does not like going inside and chooses not to (she’s known to box walk and get extremely anxious when stabled)

Will she be ok outside without a rain sheet overnight or should I just stable her despite her stress when stabled?

The rain will be heavy tonight but lowest temp will only be 14 degrees. I’m in two minds…

Thanks in advance!


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28 October 2020
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She'll be much happier outside, she won't melt. I have a very thin skinned TB who prefers being in but if he preferred being out that's where he'd be tonight.
Thank you so much! I think I’m just being a bit precious 🤣 she doesn’t seem to mind the rain at all and here I am trying to lure her into the shelter with carrots 🫣


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28 October 2020
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Err where are the photos ! you cannot expect advice when you have not supplied this mandatory requirement .;)
To be honest i'm no expert, but i would leave out, if she does get cold she will either go into the shelter or go round the side and use it as a wind break.
How could I forget 😁❤️here’s my new baby!!
Edit: file too large to attach 😒

Barton Bounty

Just simply loving life with Orbi 🥰
19 November 2018
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Youll either have people on here telling you to just leave her out , toughen her up..back in the day… blah blah blah…,

Or you have owners like me that rug up for any reason because If I don’t the horse will potentially colic if wet and freezing 😂

I imagine she will be fine for the night ☺️


Well-Known Member
28 October 2020
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Youll either have people on here telling you to just leave her out , toughen her up..back in the day… blah blah blah…,

Or you have owners like me that rug up for any reason because If I don’t the horse will potentially colic if wet and freezing 😂

I imagine she will be fine for the night ☺️
Thank you! I’m really hoping she’ll be ok as I know she hates being stabled. If I’m lucky she’ll go into the shelter for at least the worst of the rain! I think I’ll be an owner like you haha


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13 February 2022
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Congratulations! What a gorgeous girl!

I had a thoroughbred who hated being out in the rain but also hated being stabled so I can completely sympathise. Not sure where in the country you are but it’s still quite warm out down south despite the rain, and also very muggy. I feel sticky under all my clothes after doing evening checks, so definitely wouldn’t be rushing to put a rug on in this (if I had one!).

As long as she has plenty of food she should be fine for one night :)


Well-Known Member
28 October 2020
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Congratulations! What a gorgeous girl!

I had a thoroughbred who hated being out in the rain but also hated being stabled so I can completely sympathise. Not sure where in the country you are but it’s still quite warm out down south despite the rain, and also very muggy. I feel sticky under all my clothes after doing evening checks, so definitely wouldn’t be rushing to put a rug on in this (if I had one!).

As long as she has plenty of food she should be fine for one night :)
Thank you ever so much!
We’re in south wales, it’s actually quite warm here (ESPECIALLY for wales lol)

She’s in a big paddock with a field shelter so should be fine food wise😁thank you for calming me down a bit hehe


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3 April 2008
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Very pretty. Mine have sheets on tonight but they have no option of shelter and are on top of an exposed hill.
She will be fine, they are so much tougher than we give credit for.
Im also a big believer in under rugging being far preferable than over.