Thanks for that reminder, I've just booked Farmkey to come and do mine! For anyone else in the Cambridgeshire area they're looking for bookings on 22nd of this month to make their trip worthwhile. Call them on 0870 8707107.
Been meaning to get mine done since last year but just havent got round to it. That has just reminded me! Thank you.
Was trying to get some of my friends on the yard to get it done in a group but none of them would get it done! Their reasoning was that the Police don't keep a record so what is the point? I was like but surely if the worst happens it will ease your mind slightly that you have done everything possible to ensure you see your horse again! so looks like i am on my own
We have all ours microchipped instead, sorry but I loathe freezemarks and would never have them...
The only time I agree with them is the L in a circle denoting an insurance write off, that's very useful and as the horse is retired doesn't matter.
I agree they are easier to trace with them, but to me they deface a horse's looks.
I have to say I couldn't care how ugly they are... if having a freezemark means they come back to me if they are stolen then it is 100% worth having had them 'defaced' - and if it means they aren't taken in the first place then even better!
Microchips go undetected so much of the time.
I used Freezemark rather than Farmkey as it is one less number, but tbh 3 digits on a shoulder doesn't leap out at me as them being 'disfigured'
They have to be a year old, mine will be having a freezemark for her first birthday, she is already chipped but I don't feel that it's a deterent. All the adults are freezemarked.
the only thing stopping me is worrying about damage to the underlying muscles and nerves. i have heard of horses having permanent problems after being freezemarked... probably only one in a hundred thousand, but it would be just my luck if it was mine...
i used to have them microchipped, but i very much doubt that every meatman carefully scans the neck of every horse... it isn't a visible deterrent.
Every foal in Europe (that includes the UK) will have to be microchipped from July 2009, so I hope that means that every vet, every market or abattoir will need to carry a reader and match the chip to the paperwork...
IMO microchips are a waste of time. Every horse I purchase gets Freezemarked. Fewer horses with freezemaks are stolen and has a 100% recovery rate.
One of my horses is microchipped and the other freezemarked. The microchipping was done by the owner so I have no say over that one but the cob we had freezemarked.
I could not give two shits whether it has defaced his looks or not. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and if people cannot understand the importance of using a permanent visual marking of ownership then who I am to argue with that.
If big lad was owned by me then he would be freezemarked too as I think it is a very effective means of stating ownership of a horse, pony or donkey and makes tracing them so much easier in the event that they are stolen or escape from field etc.
I tend to think it 's should be up to owners whether they have microchips or freezemarks, and agree with the proposed legislation to make chips the law.
You really should be a bit more flexible in your views of what people "understand" or don't, I happen to prefer my horses as they are without white numbers on them, but for all I know you might love tattoos or lip piercings, however I wouldn't dream of telling you that you should have them as a visible identification!
For goodness sake lighten up..
It's up to owners whether they have freezemarks or not, and as you say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and to me it defaces something beautiful..
I'm not argueing with you over whether freezemarking is ugly or not, just saying don't tell me we should all get it done, microchipping offers an alternative.
Are you sure Freezemark have a 100% success rate? I thought there was a bit of a tizwoz a while ago about a freezemarked horse getting sold & ending up at an abbatoir without the papers being checked or any questions asked?
Mmm figuratively speaking though freezemarking and tattoos ( unless you include animal ear tattoos and hoof branding?) and piercings ( unless you consider nose rings which are used to control a bull/pig) are totally different. The former ( freezemarking) is a way of marking ownership of an animal ( hot branding also included) and the latter -in the case of humans- is done purely for fashion purposes.
Whilst microchipping does offer the comfort of traceability and confirmation of ownership this can only be achieved successfully if the said animals are suitably scanned be it at auction houses, abbatoirs, by a vet and so on.
Attempts can be made to try and conceal a freezemark I suppose but a stolen or lost animal brandishing a visible mark has a higher chance of being spotted by a member of the general public than a hidden -under the skin- microchip.
If there is a vast improvement in the use and availability of scanning devices then it would offer a viable solution to a freezemark in certain situations. However it would offer no protection to the horses that are stolen and then let loose in some desolate field until the day that the said animals go to a sales ( if they ever did) and could be scanned. If people refuse to have their animals freezemarked or hoof branded and they go missing and cannot be traced then it is hard luck in my honest opinion in very much the same way as I have no empathy for cat or dog owners that don't have animals chipped, tattooed or wear collars indoors for fear it will ruffle their fur.
Mine are marked with my initials on the shoulders where there will be no chance of muscle damage..and saying that there are no physical evidence that damage is caused by the actual freeze marking,if it was they would have been taken to court a long time ago and sued right left and centre !!