Pockets of fluid / Swelling on legs


New User
19 April 2014
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If anybody could help that would be appreciated!

My 18yr old mare has been fine for years apart from last year she got fluidf buoild up in her hocks and went lame, she was diagnosed with lqaminitus but now im not so sure.

She has been fine, i took her out, she came back hoping lame. She has fluid buildf up on her front leg around the tendon (i thought she has damaged her tendon) this has been going on for a couple of weeks but she now has the fluid in her hocks as well. Does anyone know if this could be a reaction to something in Spring?

She is very stiff and regularly makes a 'clicking' sound from her joints when she moves.

She is happy within herself but just looks stiff/lame.

Anyone help?



New User
19 April 2014
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If anybody could help that would be appreciated!

My 18yr old mare has been fine for years apart from last year she got fluidf buoild up in her hocks and went lame, she was diagnosed with lqaminitus but now im not so sure.

She has been fine, i took her out, she came back hoping lame. She has fluid buildf up on her front leg around the tendon (i thought she has damaged her tendon) this has been going on for a couple of weeks but she now has the fluid in her hocks as well. Does anyone know if this could be a reaction to something in Spring?

She is very stiff and regularly makes a 'clicking' sound from her joints when she moves.

She is happy within herself but just looks stiff/lame.

Anyone help?


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9 July 2011
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A fluid build up alone will not make her lame, it is a reaction to something and only your vet can diagnose what is really going on, it is likely to be arthritic changes in the hocks that is causing them to be stiff and swollen, they could be medicated once diagnosed.

The front leg is more of a concern if she went out for the hack sound and came back hopping lame it could be many things from a pulled tendon or ligament to a stone bruise again only the vet can help you find out what has happened, if she looks stiff and lame she is in pain and requires veterinary attention.