pom poms for XC hats!!


Well-Known Member
14 February 2005
The Shroom
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I know how to make Pom, Poms I used to make them when I was little

You need to pieces of card about the size of a tennis ball in diameter and cut a hole in the middle so it's like a Polo. Then you get whatever colour/colours wool you want.

Then start winding the wool round the edge and through the hole in the middle. When you have finished. Cut the wool inbetween the two pieces of card round the edge.

Hey presto!!! A pom pom.

Maybe easier to buy one though

Hold on this is easier



Well-Known Member
16 December 2005
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try places like C&H fabrics or any sewing department of a big store like A&N, John Lewis etc.

Orrrrr even in the Early Learning Centre - they normally have kits that you can make things with


Well-Known Member
22 August 2006
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I used to make them as a kid!!!

Get 2 pieces of card. Draw two circles around a cup for the outer circle & a £2 coin for the inner circle, one inside the other. Make sure the inner circle is exactly in the middle of the outer circle otherwise your pom-pom will come out egg shaped. Cut the circles out so you have two doughnut shapes.

Get some thick & brightly coloured wool. Cut a long length of wool & put the two doughnuts together, with one end of the wool tightly tie the two pieces of card together. This will be the starting point. Now firmly wrap the wool around the card, just keep threading it through the hole & wrapping it round the outside, be careful not to get in a tangle as you pull the rest of the wool through the hole. Lay each wind tight to the last, make sure you can't see any card between each strand, the tighter the winding the more robust your pom-pom will be. When you run out of wool simply cut another length & tie it onto the last piece.

When you get all the way around & have completely covered the card, go around again& again & again....... When it gets so full that you can't push the wool through the centre with your fingers, use a large needle. By the end you should not see any daylight through the middle. The more wool you use & the tighter you wrap it, the heavier & more robust it will be.

When you get that far, take a pair of scissors & cut into the wool, cut down into one side so that the blades slice between the two pieces of card, then cut all the way round, making sure to cut through every single strand. Then take another smaller length of wool & wrap it around the wool between the two pieces of card like a belt, pull it really tight, tie a single knot then wrap it around again & tie it securely. It is this 'belt' that holds the pom-pom together. Now carefully rip away the card & fluff out the strands into a ball, cut the ends of the 'belt' to the same length as all the other strands.

Lol let me know how you get on.....


Well-Known Member
15 June 2005
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Would it be purple by any chance? If so I have a HUGE ball of wool that I bought to make one for my daughter, I'll make you one, only problem is it has to boe purple LOL...


Well-Known Member
27 June 2006
Hi, Im afraid it is going to be black! Boring I know but my XC colours are cambridge blue and black!

I went to the wool shop lats night and it was shut! I think im going to struggle to find some wool!