Pony being dangerous to lead


Lurcher lover
6 March 2010
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I've posted about this before but there used to be a very useful bit of kit called a Lidstone coupling which was marketed by EFI. It doesn't seem to be available anymore which is a damned shame as it was a great little gadget. Made out of standard nylon headcollar material it attached to the headcollar with removable clips and rings and could be left in place safely or removed if you could be bothered with the faff. It just gave the handler a little more control (without freaking out the more sensitive ones) by creating a bit of pressure under the chin and around the nose (similar to putting the rope around the nose but better 'placed'). The only caveat with it was to not to tie up with it and replace the lead rope on the normal headcollar ring. Maybe someone would like to start making them again as a new start up? I can think of lots of people who could use them. I could 'fly' my neurotic WB in it safely without the over reaction from either a chiffney or a chain and it was also effective with the bullocky thug of a NF.

I used similar called a kemp controller, it clipped to the headcollar and was a thin cord which acted a bit like a dog choke collar , tightened if they pulled and loosened when they walked nicely , my horse respected it but if I left it off she knew and would try and tow me to the field ..


Well-Known Member
22 June 2018
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How has he been then? Have you used the chifney or has the bridle been sufficient?
I started him with the chifney as soon as it arrived. Absolutely perfect. Yes he tried it on, once that morning and occasionally I remind him it’s there by doing a kind of half halt next to him and he’s sweet as a nut. It’s turned having him into a pleasure again.
I’ve also moved yards where for three weeks their field is right next to their stables, but when I go onto summer grazing down a long flat well maintained track, he will be wearing it each day.
Thanks again.