Pony getting cast in stable


Well-Known Member
1 August 2008
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Hi just wondering if anyone has any suggestions to help prevent my daughters Shetland pony from getting cast in her stable. She is 38" and kept in 12x12 stable with enough shavings bedding & high banks to support a 16hh! Yet still every so often she rolls coming in from field and gets cast. Then just lies there like a dead thing until someone helps her. She is typically as wide as she is tall. She can't stay out in the field as they are like a quagmire - knee deep in mud & water at the moment. I have spoken to one other shetland owner who says this is fairly common due to their body shape?!


Well-Known Member
28 May 2013
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No idea on advice. But I have three Shetlands, also owned another three at one stage and have never experienced any of my shetland’s getting cast due to their shape.

I owned a cob who always got cast, I got him an anti-cast roller in the end, nothing else stopped him really. He got cast on a diagonal in his water bucket corner once! The only corner without banks and he got stuck in it!!


Well-Known Member
1 August 2008
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Thanks for the reply, I am stumped as to what to do. And it's good to know it's not all Shetlands. Obviously our one is a little strange, it's not like she's getting cast right up against the stable wall either, more like a sheep getting stuck on its back although close enough to the wall that she obviously can't get any purchase on the wooden sides. As for your cob - that's just typicall in the only corner without banks!


Well-Known Member
17 August 2008
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I may be misunderstanding the mechanism here - but could she have hock or back pain that makes it more difficult for her to right herself? Or is she genuinely getting caught absolutely on her back - 4 legs in the air? If the latter an anti cast roller might be the only solution. What happens in a smaller stable? Or reducing floor space with low wide banks as above?


Well-Known Member
1 August 2008
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Thanks for the replies. Shay, she isn't getting stuck with all legs in the air but is stuck against the banks in her stable. I think it's just that she can't get any grip on the wooden sides plus being incredibly square across the back (& fat) doesn't afford her much leverage.I will try Scats suggestion as I'm wondering if the banks are too tall for her? I am bedding her as though she's a horse ��